Message from @ETBrooD

Discord ID: 616461727856328726

2019-08-29 02:29:49 UTC  


2019-08-29 02:29:55 UTC  

Can't glorify violence afterall...

2019-08-29 02:30:00 UTC  

Or have jokes.

2019-08-29 02:30:10 UTC  

That means no memes about a certain shooter...

2019-08-29 02:30:25 UTC  

And while we're at it, lets censor discussion of said shooter...

2019-08-29 02:30:30 UTC  

And no criticising a certain fandom.

2019-08-29 02:30:32 UTC  

And then all the rest...

2019-08-29 02:30:34 UTC  

etc etc

2019-08-29 02:33:12 UTC  

>I am not an individual but part of a collective
>People get brainwashed into doing bad things, they don't do bad things on their own accord
>We must deplatform everything and everyone who's brainwashing people into doing bad things
>Never enough, always more to do
That's the leftist dogma. People are not self-determined, thus they must be censored.

2019-08-29 02:33:47 UTC  

Very important here, people always project, especially the ones that don't think for themselves

2019-08-29 02:34:25 UTC  

Who never thinks for themselves? Collectivists. I.e. marxists, most progressives, and most socialists.

2019-08-29 02:34:51 UTC  

Therefore since they can't think for themselves, all dissent was also not thought up individually, but by a collective.

2019-08-29 02:34:58 UTC  

Therefore deplatforming and censorship is the only solution.

2019-08-29 02:36:28 UTC  

This is also why they hate the fact so much that the breaking of the narrative of Hitler being right-wing is going on

2019-08-29 02:36:47 UTC  

First they're in disbelief, but then they get angry because it reveals them for what they truly are.

2019-08-29 02:37:32 UTC  

The only thing that never occurs to them is this:

2019-08-29 02:37:42 UTC  

If everyone gets brainwashed all the time, am I being brainwashed?

2019-08-29 02:37:51 UTC  

No, because that would be too painful

2019-08-29 02:38:10 UTC  

It is always someone else who's bad, never oneself. Basic principle of the human experience.

2019-08-29 02:38:38 UTC  

This is even more true for leftists, because they're younger on average

2019-08-29 02:38:49 UTC  

And we all know young people are the most narcissistic people of all

2019-08-29 03:06:17 UTC  

Fuck this antifa-ggot

2019-08-29 03:08:33 UTC  

lol that article, discord is trigger-happy when banning anyone who may identify as anything right of center

2019-08-29 03:09:31 UTC  

what, discord discord?

2019-08-29 04:14:16 UTC  

Fortunately discord is relatively consistent in enforcement

2019-08-29 04:14:26 UTC  

Their policy is still investigate after a report

2019-08-29 04:15:18 UTC  

Discord swings the bam hammer as often as most of the people in this server get laid.

2019-08-29 04:28:14 UTC  

....... so they unban?

2019-08-29 04:47:57 UTC  

this is very funny to me

2019-08-29 05:02:36 UTC  


2019-08-29 05:11:29 UTC  

this just in, literally no one gives a fuck what Duterte thinks

2019-08-29 05:12:06 UTC  

also he should be brought before the fucking Hague

2019-08-29 05:12:43 UTC  

directly instigated mass street murder

2019-08-29 05:14:41 UTC  

Of drug dealers

2019-08-29 05:14:51 UTC  

"""drug dealers"""

2019-08-29 05:15:39 UTC  

dealers, citizens who used drugs, citizens in the general city block area, to-may-to, to-mah-to

2019-08-29 05:16:20 UTC  

a full negative integer of countries should give a flying fuck what he has to say

2019-08-29 05:17:24 UTC  

Christ, I'd honestly rather hear from Erdogan on this or any topic.

2019-08-29 05:18:55 UTC  

Completely desecularized Turkish government and trying to resurrect a sunni caliphate, but you don't see him telling people "yeah just blow away your family and neighbors, cuz drugs or something."