Message from @Muten
Discord ID: 621322336557334538
hes not trolling hes for the divers emuslims into UK
I agree its a fantastic plan
accelerationist falls under ice cream cone on head retarded
I agree
Nope, the guy just hates the Uk cause God told him so, right?
Tell us was it Jesus who told you to muff on the UK?
@Sectator Pragmaticam Lex the only person Pow gets along with is Muten, so...
that actually makes sense
Makes sense
@Gservator I doubt even that.
Muten is a nibba. They have more common sense than this guy.
No racism intended.
You guys ever seen that part in taxi driver where the main character trys to argue with him self in the mirror
I'm sure Muten will forgive me the word.
That's @!GPT right now
@yordanyordanov WhAT DID YOU SAY NIGGER?
Shall you forgive, oh you
all powerful KANG of it all?
I know you control the world.
You took it from the Jew and now they are in distress, I was just reffering you.
Do not wish to offend the mighty KANGZ!
i'm staunchly individualist. if racism is having different preconceptions about ethnic groups based on real life concrete data, i guess i'm also racist
Nobody deserves racism @Sectator Pragmaticam Lex
i just don't expect everyone to fall neatly within the average of the ethnic group they belong to
People are plain different.
Just some countries had more shittier history than others.
This is why they ended up worse places.
so yes, people are different. but ignoring consistent tendencies is antiscientific
@Sectator Pragmaticam Lex There are always people who don't fit their molds.
In both good and bad ways, in any culture, in any age.
reality isn't nice, but can't do much about it while ignoring some bits because they're offensive or some pansy bs like that
So, tendencies tend to be over simplistic.
me 2 minutes ago: i just don't expect everyone to fall neatly within the average of the ethnic group they belong to
I'm not criticizing that statement @Sectator Pragmaticam Lex
Merely reaffirming it.
Racism is funny also fuck niggers lol