Message from @HurtChain
Discord ID: 620501694190583828
> commie shit
lol like everything reddit spergs about
```Network neutrality, or simply net neutrality, is the principle that Internet service providers (ISPs) must treat all Internet communications equally, and not discriminate or charge differently based on user, content, website, platform, application, type of equipment, source address, destination address, or method of communication.
With net neutrality, ISPs may not intentionally block, slow down, or charge money for specific online content. Without net neutrality, ISPs may prioritize certain types of traffic, meter others, or potentially block traffic from specific services, while charging consumers for various tiers of service.```
@HurtChain, so essentially, we get to subsidize the left's 24/7 couch potato consumption of feminist propaganda on Netflix.
@PhiloFusor the Omitted they're pushing that Trump is going senile. I assume as cover for Biden
Biden *is* senile
What did you mean by "good?"
@PhiloFusor the Omitted I know
Trump is lively af
Biden's *eye* came unglued ffs
Biden’s eye went bloodshot in tv
Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty
Yeah, it looked like he blew a tire.
Jesus Christ this guy is on his last couple years of life and he wants to waste them in politics.
oh yeah
that's literally in the rules isn't it lol
the guy who did his last brain surgery came in to vouch for his health
I love how trump has lost weight thanks to the chefs who look after him.
He’s so energetic for a man his age.
@HurtChain has he?
Yeah. There were some photos from 2016 of him playing golf
Oh he dummy thicc
Trump has more energy than I have.
And you can see from his more recent golfing photos he’s really skimmed out.
according to Joe Rogaine Trump's on adderall and that's why he has so much energy
I don't know how he deals with the politics of today.
Trump is the politics of today
At most, I can only engage for a few months, then I have to take my leave for a while.
Yeah, but I'm referencing the mainstream media and the left, which may as well be synonymous with one another.
wtf that lad is made of iron hams
Is that really his chef?
I know. He’s a god amongst men.
That’s what I found online
Looks like Ronnie Coleman
I didn’t look into it too far
But it’s what came up when I looked for it
Andre Rush has been a chef at the White House since 1997, apparently.
I bet he tenderises meat with just one slap
Trump is in good hands.