Message from @Al Capwned
Discord ID: 620689906049482773
@Al Capwned isn't that picture from a french experiment on body metabolism
says the little girl avatar
I gotta admit, I love talking about the obesity crisis
He is our elected king.
they tried a couple of diets with several months worth of monitoring
Show some respect
no clue tbh, jsut grabbed them off google
i remember seeing something like that when researching dieting
oh well
see your building
People talk about poor peopl being overweight and I am like, "holy shit our poor people eat too much!"
no mas
have fun, hominids
chimp out
What a fucking problem to have
Devote massive ammounts of time to create something in a vidya game.
no i can't do that
al capwned is dead on here
@HunDread dont call me that you fucking degenerate
Can I has cupquake
the only good brand of communism is EGOIST NATIONAL POSADIST ACCELERATIONISM
I am a cute little bughorse
I guess Lend-Lease and strategic bombing don't count as helping the USSR
Not some stinky ape
The debt to the red army was paid in the blood of 100 million souls extinguished in the name of communism.
@Al Capwned do you think that dungeons and dragons is bad or something ?
don't mistake 'permission', 'ability'. nor 'motivation'
no i jest
I love vidya game
if one is not a loser, the D&D waste of time isn't 'bad'
@Al Capwned me too
not like you are ever gonna have sex anyway....
why are we talking about dungeons and dragons now
im so confused