Message from @Tonight at 11 - DOOM

Discord ID: 616296005276532746

2019-08-28 15:38:23 UTC  


2019-08-28 15:38:34 UTC  

Now we're getting the mudslime rape gangs

2019-08-28 15:38:40 UTC  


2019-08-28 15:38:45 UTC  

Tbh, isnt the UK Parliament regularly *supposed* to go into recess at that time?

2019-08-28 15:38:47 UTC  

totally related to your overseas shit

2019-08-28 15:38:52 UTC  
2019-08-28 15:39:12 UTC  

Yes, it is. Where's the evidence Syria used chemical weapons, eh?

2019-08-28 15:39:13 UTC  

Better have BoJo succeed.

2019-08-28 15:39:17 UTC  

it goes for reccess for like 2 weeks max

2019-08-28 15:39:22 UTC  

It almost certainly did not

2019-08-28 15:39:23 UTC  

this is 5 weeks we are talking about

2019-08-28 15:39:28 UTC  

what's ur point?

2019-08-28 15:39:28 UTC  


2019-08-28 15:39:38 UTC  

The EU needs to be dismantled and a better model for european cooperation built between us.

2019-08-28 15:39:51 UTC  

Sounds like a bandaid fix to an otherwise larger problem

2019-08-28 15:39:53 UTC  

So what's with these refugees. Who did we ally with, who is forcing us to take "asylum seekers"

2019-08-28 15:39:57 UTC  

@Zakhan Or crown me as your Emperor tbh

2019-08-28 15:40:12 UTC  

@Tonight at 11 - DOOM Are you an immortal philosopher-king?

2019-08-28 15:40:12 UTC  

no one is forcing you to do anything...

2019-08-28 15:40:17 UTC  


2019-08-28 15:40:21 UTC  

Furthermore, who funds the NGO's responsible for the constant trafficking

2019-08-28 15:40:24 UTC  

I'll take that as a no.

2019-08-28 15:40:28 UTC  

And that's the ability for Parliament to obstruct executive proceedings

2019-08-28 15:40:35 UTC  

Europe is where the NGOs are an isse

2019-08-28 15:40:39 UTC  

not the US

2019-08-28 15:40:44 UTC  


2019-08-28 15:40:50 UTC  

NGO's are an issue whereever you go.

2019-08-28 15:40:51 UTC  

Vote 3x YES

2019-08-28 15:40:51 UTC  

and this has little to do with your overseas policy

2019-08-28 15:41:04 UTC  

it's just ur gov being limp dick and your internal shit

2019-08-28 15:41:32 UTC  

increasing or decreasing foreign wars would have no incidence on this matter one way or another

2019-08-28 15:41:35 UTC  

It literally is about overseas policy. It's about all our military turned outwards, when the threat is at home

2019-08-28 15:41:38 UTC  

Yeah, but the NGO's and the embezzlement and the corruption and the ideological partisanship and the insanity are all parts of the problem.

2019-08-28 15:41:47 UTC  

Just glass the planet tbh

2019-08-28 15:41:57 UTC  

You have the resources to deal with your issues at home as is

2019-08-28 15:41:57 UTC  

Fucking ascend us to a higher plane of existence.

2019-08-28 15:42:04 UTC  

you just lack the political will to do so

2019-08-28 15:42:16 UTC  


2019-08-28 15:42:24 UTC  

That's my point, nigger

2019-08-28 15:42:29 UTC  

closing the Mexico border is ez