Message from @Laucivol
Discord ID: 621510398486642698
im medically incapable
what the fucks wrong with you?
im an absolute mess
i can tell
but ye
Aren't we all an absolute mess?
whats the reason?
Some of us are just better at pretending.
nah my legs are fucked
whats wrong with em?
Oof, certainly there are vehicle mods to work around that issue.
they just dont have any strength
can you walk normally and shit?
why no muscle?
crutches and sometimes a mobi scooter
why cant you walk?
i think annorexia destroys most of my leg muscles
work out then
fix yourself
i might. but im focusing on college first
college is fuck easy
Step 1, drop the anime pfp
go to the gym 2-3 times a week
an hour per time
its not anime
its worse
i use this as a trap
screw with people
you can stay as a sad mess or you can fix yourself
Hatsune Miku isnt anime
i'd be working on fixing myself if i were you
shes a vocaloid