Message from @Mavalance

Discord ID: 620050573504413736

2019-09-07 23:06:33 UTC  

Stick their heads on pikes as an example to others considering high treason

2019-09-07 23:40:51 UTC  

Hmm, it's almost as if they don't teach us those Principles in School

2019-09-07 23:41:44 UTC  

i learned how to make a pineapple burger once

2019-09-07 23:42:05 UTC  

But at least we have super neat, easy to grade Tests that only teach us to memorize information instead of teaching us principles or meaningful life skills

2019-09-07 23:42:47 UTC  

Well that is what happens with our current school system

2019-09-07 23:43:22 UTC  

They force you to learn things that are irrelevant to modern life yet don't care about teaching important life skills

2019-09-07 23:44:24 UTC  

When I get kicked out of my home because I don't know basic finances (not accurate since my Dad works in banking) I may be homeless, but at least I know the Quadratic Formula and that Midochondria are the Powerhouse of the cell

2019-09-07 23:45:26 UTC  

Those kind of things are so useless, Not even most high ranking jobs will need them

2019-09-07 23:46:14 UTC  

It certainly is strange that they mandate learning things that you don't need and really won't be applicable to any career outside of a select few jobs yet don't care about teaching life skills

2019-09-07 23:46:54 UTC  

If someone says they're gonna shoot me unless I tell them who fought in the French and Indian War, I'll probably live

2019-09-07 23:48:10 UTC  

Well at least we can take tests

2019-09-07 23:51:41 UTC  

"I'm going to put 2 rounds in the back of your head if you don't get at least a 60% on this 10 Question True/False Test"

2019-09-07 23:54:55 UTC  

Here's some Bullshit: The Education system changes so much, when I was in school it was a 7-point scale for grading. The year after I graduate High School, they change it to a 10-point scale. Absolute Bollocks

2019-09-08 00:03:16 UTC  

I really am starting to believe that we might be better off without a system of education provided by the State because then people would be free to gain knowledge from experience in life which would provide more life skills

2019-09-08 00:09:15 UTC  

"But without Education, kids would just break into houses and steal things"

2019-09-08 00:11:30 UTC  

Have education available, but don't force people into it because the people who don't want to be there will just disrupt everything for the people that want to be there

2019-09-08 00:15:48 UTC  

My Great-grandfather was able to make a living as a fairly successful Tobacco Farmer from ~45-80s and he only had a 3rd Grade Education

2019-09-08 00:16:37 UTC  

My Ma went to college and was able to pay for it by working in the Tobacco Field with her Grandfather; and then graduated with no Student Debt

2019-09-08 00:19:36 UTC  

Times change

2019-09-08 00:21:15 UTC  

He also left home at 13

2019-09-08 00:23:30 UTC  

After his Father said he was Worthless

2019-09-08 01:00:05 UTC  

With the way public schooling works, kids are going into their late 20s as if they were children.

2019-09-08 01:00:33 UTC  

I know people at my college going on 22 or 23 who I would have assumed had just gotten out of high school.

2019-09-08 01:01:25 UTC  

Literally spent their childhood and teens learning jack shit, and now they are starting a basic education when they should be kicking off their careers.

2019-09-08 01:01:44 UTC  

It’s helping to extend childhood way into adulthood.

2019-09-08 01:18:29 UTC  

And when you have Adults that behave as Children (not meant as an insult) it's a lot easier to keep them dependent on Mommy Government

2019-09-08 01:19:01 UTC  

"We don't know any better, so we'll let the Government tell us what to do"

2019-09-08 03:02:41 UTC  

It’s specifically designed to create low info voters

2019-09-08 04:39:03 UTC  

@HurtChain Do you really want to give schools the onus of educating children in politics?

2019-09-08 04:39:38 UTC  

its bad enough they don't even teach basic trade skills

2019-09-08 04:45:41 UTC  

@Jokerfaic it's more societally valuable to find every person with an aptitude for STEM and waste everyone else's time then it is to eat into the former's productive lifetime anymore than possible.

2019-09-08 04:47:29 UTC  

I mean super basic bitch salable skills, like workshops

2019-09-08 04:48:37 UTC  

though it wouldn't be hard to convince me the lack of 'shop classes was a uniquely Oregonian failing

2019-09-08 04:50:21 UTC  

that's why you're taught stuff like the quadratic formula that you will never use in day to day life, because it's more valuable to teach everybody it and only have a small minority actually use then it is to teach those people later.

@Jokerfaic In Australia we had metal and wood working as year 9-10 classes, not sure about 11 and 12, but school wasn't mandatory at that point so if you wanted to you could leave to peruse a trade.

2019-09-08 04:51:06 UTC  

All that said, I'm not saying the school system as it is doesn't have failings, I'm just pointing out why it is the way it is.

2019-09-08 04:52:43 UTC  

Well school is compulsory K - 12 here in the US, and I don't see how that invalidates my point. Not everyone's going to find themselves needing to use hand or power tools, but it'd be nice if they knew how

2019-09-08 04:57:28 UTC  

At around year 9-12 you should have a reasonable Idea what you want to go into, and choose to take shop classes if you want, but there's still the thing about finding potential STEM students being more valuable than the 2-4 years of a tradeie's time post schooling.

2019-09-08 05:22:05 UTC  

I don’t think any school could honestly teach politics well.

2019-09-08 05:22:27 UTC  

But there is so much room for improvement with teaching history, ethics, finance, and fitness.