Message from @Dangerlurking
Discord ID: 284827093811068930
>Middle class socialists
Fake jews are the worst possible jews
kek the ayy lmao menace on pol has gotten so bad that the mods stickyed a thread about it and banned the op.
Oh my god they did
>When you've been a lurker since 05 and get banned for your 11th post
This is the start of a grifter-esque meme
Good work, guys.
Having sex with men doesn't make you gay
it makes you a faggot
What is the difference
you both get S H 0 C K E D
Once all the memes are gone we can get rid of the gays as well
Will having sex with a man make you gay? thats the stupidest fucking question
>he thinks that is degenerate
behold mortal
Probably one of the biggest mistakes in US history was delisting homosexuality as a mental illness and giving them the right to marry
Also the 14th amendment
@Nulleisen You are like a babby. Try browsing derpibooru with the everything filter on
>this chat
@GoGo When you are a mexican slut who is 8 months pregneant and you have a baby while on a flight to canada while you were over the US so your kid now has US citizenship
Also, build a wall to keep the snowmexicans out
Filthy maplebacks
@🅱arD 2nd term
@here does anybody need a state emblem done?
AZ pls
@TopHatt Do we have a NY one done yet?
- AZ
- NY
any more?