Message from @Imaorange

Discord ID: 648732896387006504

2019-11-26 02:41:51 UTC  

Pay for faggots to get screened so faggots can use taxpayer funded prep H so they can keep buttfucking for longer before their disgusting diseased lifestyle kills them

2019-11-26 02:42:30 UTC  

Fuck you I'm not paying for anybody's STD screening, it isn't my bill to foot for others who can't sleep around with clean people

2019-11-26 02:47:17 UTC  


2019-11-26 02:50:29 UTC  

Guess what fags do when they go on prep

2019-11-26 02:50:39 UTC  

Guess I don't need to use condoms anymore since I won't get HIV

2019-11-26 02:51:46 UTC  

Guess why gonorrhea and syphills are at their worst in decades and showing drug resistance

2019-11-26 02:52:05 UTC  

>Neither gonorrhea or syphilis are in Discord's autocorrect dictionary

2019-11-26 02:52:11 UTC  

Absolutely massive think

2019-11-26 02:56:29 UTC  

I think what is missed is that we have effectively eliminated HIV. With current palliatives the viral lode is low enough that it is not transmittable. Which would be an amazing triumph if the left were not taking it as an excuse to encourage the behavior that created the problem in the first place....

2019-11-26 03:27:31 UTC  

@Imaorange They absolutely ARE in Discord's dictionary

2019-11-26 03:27:36 UTC  


2019-11-26 03:28:05 UTC  

Maybe you're just using a Chromebook? 🤔

2019-11-26 03:36:55 UTC  

I should not be required to subsidize other people life choices, if your lifestyle comes with health risk thats on you and if you a gay dude who gotta bang you should pay more for health insurance

2019-11-26 03:37:11 UTC  

Because fuck you and fuck your unhealthy ass lifestyle

2019-11-26 03:37:21 UTC  

*Pun intended*

2019-11-26 03:46:58 UTC  

considering that's a minority of the population, do you not see how its far more likely that you'll be subsidizing a good hetero christian boy/lass make sure he/she's not a carrier for some malady that he'd rather not give his/her future wife/husband?

2019-11-26 03:48:59 UTC  

for real, your priorities are garbage

2019-11-26 03:49:48 UTC  

besides I specifically said health insurrance, never said anything about the state paying for it

2019-11-26 03:51:03 UTC  

Also, what part of mentioning birthrates got you obsessed retards to go off about gays

2019-11-26 03:52:48 UTC  

Yeah geez what about talking about the declining birthrates has you guys talking about the sexual lifestyle being promoted that is antithetical to raising children?

2019-11-26 03:52:55 UTC  

Whatever possibly could bridget hose subjects!

2019-11-26 03:53:49 UTC  

.... you realize STDs don't give a flying fuck who you take to bed, right?

2019-11-26 03:53:57 UTC  

you're not magically immune because you like pussy

2019-11-26 03:54:03 UTC  

are you this dumb?

2019-11-26 03:54:23 UTC  

You are the one all fucked up in the head for not wanting to fuck a pozzed hole, we basically eliminated it even though lots of drug schedules cause damage to organs and the effect on your system still renders your immune functions compromised compared to an individual. Plus hope you enjoy taking pills everyday the rest of your life and making sure to not incriminate yourself when you have sex because of transmission laws

2019-11-26 03:54:34 UTC  

like seriously, answer that question before you respond or I'm not reading it

2019-11-26 03:55:16 UTC  

heterosexuality is not an automatic cure for HIV

2019-11-26 03:55:18 UTC  

Just permanently change your life you bigot because a fag might not get laid one time if you don't

2019-11-26 03:55:28 UTC  

He'll never get laid without you!

2019-11-26 03:55:33 UTC  


2019-11-26 03:55:37 UTC  

so you're just copy pasting arguments, fair enough

2019-11-26 03:55:42 UTC  


2019-11-26 03:55:45 UTC  

any adults actually want to converse?

2019-11-26 03:55:54 UTC  

@Jokerfaic begone furry, no adults in this chat

2019-11-26 03:56:17 UTC  
2019-11-26 03:57:26 UTC  

Compare post-1980 to pre-1950 and see what's going on

2019-11-26 03:57:36 UTC  

I mean I'm kinda an adult I have a house and a 401K and shit. Not interested in talking to a furry though because, you know, furries????

2019-11-26 03:58:24 UTC  

So while Orange is off finding his tampon, can anyone tell me why health insurance plans shouldn't include STD testing coverage?

2019-11-26 03:59:03 UTC  

Health insurace shouldn't be done by the government at all