Message from @JackH670

Discord ID: 647414228692500491

2019-11-22 12:27:21 UTC  

I didn't see the EU vessel numbers anywhere

2019-11-22 12:27:29 UTC  

Holy shit, I've had discussions with you PEP. I just mock you for being the way you are

2019-11-22 12:27:32 UTC  

i ain't blocked nobody

2019-11-22 12:27:35 UTC  

The combined EU fishing fleets land about 6 million tonnes of fish per year,[5] of which about 700,000 tonnes are from UK waters.[6] The UK's share of the overall EU fishing catch in 2014 was 752,000 tonnes, the second largest catch of any country in the EU.[7] This proportion is determined by the London Fisheries Convention of 1964 and by the EU's Common Fisheries Policy.

2019-11-22 12:27:39 UTC  

Jesus christ why are you so much of a baby <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-11-22 12:27:45 UTC  

Its in the page jack

2019-11-22 12:28:36 UTC  

do you like that black guy with the glasses

2019-11-22 12:28:45 UTC  

who joined lib dems

2019-11-22 12:29:27 UTC  

He's intelligent but slimy

2019-11-22 12:29:36 UTC  

i am against crossing the floor alltogether in politics its not very loyal

2019-11-22 12:29:36 UTC  

Don't trust him tbh

2019-11-22 12:29:47 UTC  

so who do you trust then just jo swinson

2019-11-22 12:29:55 UTC  

PEP cares more about the GDP than he does the potential job increase that even a small amount would generate for the population. From speaking to him, he sees us all as pawns in a giant game of chess and not individuals. Honestly.

2019-11-22 12:30:07 UTC  

I trust her to campaign and try to remain in the EU

2019-11-22 12:30:14 UTC  

apart from that, not particularly

2019-11-22 12:30:35 UTC  

You're a traitor to the British public

2019-11-22 12:30:47 UTC  

And so are all the politicians trying to prevent Brexit

2019-11-22 12:32:21 UTC  

When there was a democratic vote, in which we were asked whether we want to leave or remain and the vote WOULD be final and followed through with, it is absolutely appalling that you'd even continue to campaign for the contrary

2019-11-22 12:32:23 UTC  

twitter is such a left wing shithole lmao

2019-11-22 12:32:43 UTC  

all the time its "jeremycorbynforpm" trending on there

2019-11-22 12:33:00 UTC  

Reminder that China's GDP is 2nd highest in the world and that country is awful

2019-11-22 12:33:21 UTC  

It's almost like GDP means fuck all the overall living standards of individuals.

2019-11-22 12:33:31 UTC  


2019-11-22 12:33:31 UTC  

Which is why trumps GDP increase means fuck all

2019-11-22 12:33:39 UTC  

Changing arguments

2019-11-22 12:33:47 UTC  

Not changing the argument

2019-11-22 12:33:51 UTC

2019-11-22 12:33:54 UTC  

You're the one commenting on how it's all about GDP

2019-11-22 12:34:16 UTC  

But again, PEP has me blocked because he can't take a bit of banter, but he throws shit at everyone else.

2019-11-22 12:34:21 UTC  

If you give, learn to take

2019-11-22 12:34:22 UTC  

Is remaining in the EU to protect certain industries won't magically turn us into China

2019-11-22 12:34:24 UTC  

Once again PEP it's about the principle of sovereignty, which you still fail to understand

2019-11-22 12:34:29 UTC  

Every country wants to increase GDP

2019-11-22 12:34:33 UTC  

does that mean every country is china?

2019-11-22 12:34:41 UTC  

smh man

2019-11-22 12:34:48 UTC  

I don't care if fishing was 0.01% of GDP, we should still run it ourselves

2019-11-22 12:34:50 UTC  

Like even if fishing is 0.2%, the fishing towns don't deserve to be so fucked by indifference

2019-11-22 12:34:57 UTC  


2019-11-22 12:35:00 UTC  

You don't really care

2019-11-22 12:35:01 UTC  

about fishing

2019-11-22 12:35:06 UTC  

I really do