Message from @Cragnathar The Destroyer

Discord ID: 647502943993462864

2019-11-22 18:18:12 UTC  

It's a narrow church and it's getting narrower as we speak

2019-11-22 18:18:20 UTC  

Eh okay then

2019-11-22 18:18:43 UTC  

You're now seeing anti-trans feminists and gay feminists jettisoning the title

2019-11-22 18:18:48 UTC  

For obvious reasons

2019-11-22 18:18:56 UTC  

I dunno

2019-11-22 18:19:01 UTC  

I don't obsess over the movement

2019-11-22 18:19:34 UTC  

I want Angela Eagle as leader

2019-11-22 18:19:47 UTC  

I want Gordon Brown back

2019-11-22 18:20:23 UTC  

Ew why

2019-11-22 18:20:28 UTC  

He was a shit chancellor, shit PM

2019-11-22 18:21:58 UTC  

It's not a movement

2019-11-22 18:22:40 UTC  

Its a label that has been captured by post modernists, just like the atheist movement

2019-11-22 18:23:05 UTC  

Brown was stupidly indecisive in not calling for an election during his honeymoon period

2019-11-22 18:23:52 UTC  

It’s retarded that Brexit party don’t have removal of hate speech laws in the manifesto

2019-11-22 18:23:59 UTC  

When they literally claim to care about free speech

2019-11-22 18:23:59 UTC  

He was a good chancellor

2019-11-22 18:24:04 UTC  

i'm unfamiliar with brown's policy thoughts beyond economic

2019-11-22 18:24:07 UTC  

He was a shit chancellor

2019-11-22 18:24:07 UTC  

and wasn't given a chance as PM

2019-11-22 18:25:28 UTC  

PFI, working tax credits, and a vast expansion of housing benefit paid to private landlords are all HIS specific, collosal failures

2019-11-22 18:25:31 UTC  

when have brexit party claimed to care about free speech, and I mean actual free speech, not "free speech but"

2019-11-22 18:26:40 UTC  

The policy about university free speech

2019-11-22 18:27:21 UTC  

whose fine idea was uni tuition fees?

2019-11-22 18:27:54 UTC  

another brown failure was the bailout of the banks

2019-11-22 18:28:27 UTC  

As someone who studied the financial crisis for his qualification - that is utterly false

2019-11-22 18:28:39 UTC  

If the banks were not bailed out (and they are paying the govt back)

2019-11-22 18:28:47 UTC  

The impact would have been many magnitudes worse

2019-11-22 18:29:05 UTC  

The underlying causes have not been fixed

2019-11-22 18:29:16 UTC  

Well, they have been improved

2019-11-22 18:29:23 UTC  

can't say they've been fixed because time will tell

2019-11-22 18:30:07 UTC  

It's almost universally thought actually that if America had bailed out their financial institutions at the beginning, rather than later

2019-11-22 18:30:18 UTC  

The financial crisis might have been averted or at least lessened

2019-11-22 18:30:47 UTC  

Seriously doubt it

2019-11-22 18:30:52 UTC  

You can doubt all you want

2019-11-22 18:30:58 UTC  

but you don't know as much as me on this topic

2019-11-22 18:31:00 UTC  

It all was, and is, a big pyramid scheme

2019-11-22 18:31:32 UTC  

And as for the big-brain scheme of making depositors first in line to lose their money when a bank goes down, that's fucking mad

2019-11-22 18:31:53 UTC  

Stuff wasn't right

2019-11-22 18:31:58 UTC  

still isn't

2019-11-22 18:32:00 UTC  

But regulations following the crisis have been put in place

2019-11-22 18:32:02 UTC  

and isn't going to be