Message from @cliffmcc
Discord ID: 478692734992121856
Thanks for the update
Why didnt Tom Arnold when he tweeted that Candace Owens should “suck racist d***”
Double standard of course
if it's evil, the Left embraces it. if it's even a little good or true, they riot in the streets.
I saw a lot of anti-police sentiment today on Twitter. Kneeling and fleeing NFL millionaires during the National Anthem, Antifa saying "all cops are racist" and beating police in Charlottesville, and a shootout between a suspect and two PA highway patrolmen with some extremely ignorant sounding dude offering commentary and uploading it.
Good vs Evil
why don't the NFL protesters start their own league, and call it the Cop Killing Football League?
they'd have to play the sport in vacant lots
@J_G_ what time does hake report stream
9am PT / 12pm ET
A 34-year-old Dutchman would have thrown three homemade explosives to the Turkish consulate in Amsterdam on Saturday evening. This created a small fire.
A suspect has been arrested in connection with the incident. A warning shot was released during this arrest. The police confirm that a 34-year-old man has been arrested, but does not make any statements about nationality.
Turkey is a joke. We need to take it back & make it Christian again
That's great, took them long enough.
Why only fired?
He's such a smarmy creep.
girlfriend co worker? tsk tsk tsk
He has a gofundme up, raised 50k in 6 hours. Wish I could be a fuck up at my job and then beg for big bucks. People are so stupid 🤣🤣
But America treats Muslims sooo bad