Message from @whiic

Discord ID: 640262444970672148

2019-11-02 16:34:56 UTC  

It would be better for California if they would expunge non-native plant life, especially Eucalyptus trees, and if they would ACTUALLY FUND THEIR FORESTRY INDUSTRY.

2019-11-02 16:39:35 UTC  

California has the plague and legal transmission of HIV; I doubt the governors even recognise the problems with their forests.

2019-11-02 16:42:58 UTC  

>trump says they need to attend to their forests
>libtards reee and screach about how manual labor is racist or something

2019-11-02 16:43:04 UTC  

>forest fucking burns down again

2019-11-02 16:44:04 UTC  

Screw it, at this rate I'd get a green-card just to go and un-fuck California's forests.

2019-11-02 16:44:24 UTC  

Yet ironically we've that Mr Beast idea where 20 million more trees are going to be planted.

2019-11-02 16:44:28 UTC  


2019-11-02 16:47:06 UTC  

The fact that English speaking countries even need the 20 million trees project speaks volumes about their priorities

2019-11-02 16:47:40 UTC  

I guess better nate than lever

2019-11-02 16:51:49 UTC  

"Guys, the forests are on fire because we've not enough trees, and carbon-dioxide absorption is down because of ocean-pollution."
"Fuck it, plant more trees!"

2019-11-02 16:56:21 UTC  

Wait are they planting those trees IN california?

2019-11-02 16:59:41 UTC  


2019-11-02 17:00:28 UTC  

Not all of them, but quite a few of them given that for some reason, a lot of famous YouTubers live in California.

2019-11-02 17:04:41 UTC  

I mean

2019-11-02 17:04:55 UTC  

planting trees is better than whatever the other climate activists are doing

2019-11-02 17:06:09 UTC  

Not when you've literally got so many trees that forest-fires are greater in size and ferocity.

2019-11-02 17:06:21 UTC  

As a result of a lack of deforestation.

2019-11-02 18:51:41 UTC  

It's funny how Daily Caller calls out Illhan Omar for being Armenian gxxxxxxx denier. Which pretty much fits themselves as well, since they call genocide gxxxxxxx.

2019-11-02 18:52:23 UTC  

For fucks same, I need to replace * with x because Discord.

2019-11-02 18:53:28 UTC  

But Daily Caller does at least admit that Armenian gxxxxxxx did happen. Probably so did Jewish hxxxxxxxx. Holocaust is a lie, though. This is the world you chose.

2019-11-02 18:54:22 UTC  

Conservatives cannot be anti-PC. They are too much snowflakes. They cannot speak words because their mommy taught to wash their mouth with soap.

2019-11-02 18:54:31 UTC  

Or they get spanking from daddy.

2019-11-02 18:56:58 UTC

2019-11-02 18:58:32 UTC  

I wonder if Tucker has a swear bank where he has to put a dime if he utters a swear word at home (outside of FCC's control). I wonder if that applies to Fuentes as well. Does Fuentes swear? Is a a *good Christian* who obeys mommy?

2019-11-02 18:59:00 UTC  

Oh, he at least knows word "shit".

2019-11-03 05:54:07 UTC  

Why the fuck does only the above video not have a preview

2019-11-03 05:56:51 UTC  

Discord has been glitchy with shit recently

2019-11-03 07:26:47 UTC  

***"Let California burn."***

2019-11-03 08:27:36 UTC  

Fire unfucks forests really well, no reason to think it couldn't do the same to LA and SF.

2019-11-03 16:44:59 UTC  

Is there any debate going on?

2019-11-03 16:45:15 UTC  

Or just screwing around

2019-11-03 17:11:40 UTC  

I have a question

2019-11-03 17:11:54 UTC  

Why does the Lgbt supercede the 1st amendment

2019-11-03 17:12:50 UTC  

@Rusty California lawmakers are retarded, not sure if there's anything that can be done about them.

2019-11-03 17:13:26 UTC  

No seriously, it goes above the 1st amendment both ways

2019-11-03 17:13:31 UTC  

LGBT supercedes 1st Amendment when it's viewed from the retarded millennial's point of view, whom asks for restrictions and revisions to the 1st Amendment.

2019-11-03 17:13:54 UTC  

1 with freedom of speech and another for religion

2019-11-03 17:14:17 UTC  

You must discard both for the lgbt to strive