Message from @SufferBuddy

Discord ID: 650353194052091905

2019-11-30 04:15:11 UTC  


2019-11-30 04:15:35 UTC  

oh no, hi Siberian Gulag

2019-11-30 04:20:32 UTC  

oh hi spanish inquisition

2019-11-30 04:29:48 UTC  

Schoolyard humor or ‘Nazi’ sexism? PC police come for German YouTuber

2019-11-30 06:27:32 UTC

2019-11-30 06:28:31 UTC  

My name is Youtube and I'm going to fight "fake news" by putting a link "for context" to a publicly edited website, whom no credible professor would ever accept citations from

2019-11-30 06:30:01 UTC  

why doesnt youtube put a bar like this under every TYT video "for context" on the armenian genocide

2019-11-30 08:10:28 UTC  

Accept the "context" bigot

2019-11-30 10:57:38 UTC  

Got em

2019-11-30 11:27:58 UTC  

"War is uniquely devastating for women"

2019-11-30 11:29:18 UTC  

War: Highest male-fatality rate, women most-effected.

2019-11-30 13:39:35 UTC  

will the uni that kicked people out for dodgy comments and shut down the law society over the same thing get rid of a gropu that blockades a building on central compus <:thunk:462282216467333140>

2019-11-30 15:05:49 UTC  

More social programming in the name of advertisement

2019-11-30 15:09:36 UTC  

I sure love having my Junk food company trying to shame me for being white.

2019-11-30 15:10:02 UTC  

It's not like they're gonna shame me for being fat or eating their products.

2019-11-30 15:11:24 UTC  

I sure will though

2019-11-30 15:11:27 UTC  


2019-11-30 15:27:29 UTC  

6:12 BPS isn't alt lite

2019-11-30 15:27:40 UTC  

He mods r/DebateAltRight

2019-11-30 15:28:00 UTC  

He's just holding back his power level to draw a large audience

2019-11-30 15:28:46 UTC

2019-11-30 17:02:40 UTC  

Beyond rehabilitation: Terrorists get a second chance, while their victims get none

2019-11-30 17:22:33 UTC  


2019-11-30 17:23:50 UTC  

Speaking of Stanford...

2019-11-30 17:24:43 UTC  


2019-11-30 18:16:05 UTC  

I'm not misgendering them, they're misgendering themselves.

2019-11-30 18:16:33 UTC  

Lock em up

2019-11-30 18:35:39 UTC  

paramilitary > a well regulated militia?

2019-11-30 18:36:39 UTC  

The founders knew what they were writing. National militaries existed long before that. They were talking about something different.

2019-11-30 18:56:03 UTC  

i hope they go all the way up to SCOTUS with this case

2019-11-30 18:56:11 UTC  

i wonder if there is a gofundme for legal fees