Message from @excursion12 (redha, richtginger)
Discord ID: 650192341348515841
quite late
invite ppl
I got one person from another server
I'll see if Lune can join <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>
@livid_scrooge Hey, gaylord. You up for a Star Wars RP campaign?
are we sure we want the essence of retardedness in our game?
He'll be the campaign's version of Vee
@excursion12 (redha, richtginger) Hey, what's the ruleset for the campaign like? Is it built upon any preexisting rulesets?
for like weapon damage and shit
I've already told you this is literally my first time
you and lucienne would know more about it than me
I've never played a campaign before
well you have a vibroblade, which let's say it would do as much damage as a steel sword when we factor in hi-tech armor
dear god
the BASIC rules of D&D is 180 pages
nigga I ain't reading all that lol
they've already got a Star Wars RPG
I suppose we could start there and tweak it a bit
wtf is nearly just as long
It's basically 5e but with SW
I suppose the skills are replaced tho
alright well... if we're gonna do this I guess we better do it right so... I gotta do some reading
most of those rules dont apply
they tend to be situational
core rules should be like
maybe 10 pages
tho i have more experience reading wargame rules
Luci do you want to make the ruleset?
2B is waifu.