Message from @Death in June

Discord ID: 646649004871909386

2019-11-20 09:27:04 UTC  

Equality is for the best they say

2019-11-20 09:27:20 UTC  

If they censor the good guys, might as well do it for the bad guys too

2019-11-20 09:27:42 UTC  

No good guys in ww2 change my mind

2019-11-20 09:27:52 UTC  

except for Mussolini probs

2019-11-20 09:27:57 UTC  

was a swell lad

2019-11-20 09:30:09 UTC  

"Leave Greece to me"

2019-11-20 09:30:20 UTC  

*a guy who you cannot leave Greece to*

2019-11-20 09:31:27 UTC  

Couldn’t even conquer Greece.
What a fag.

2019-11-20 09:31:46 UTC  

TFW you invade Greece and Greece ends up conquering a part of your territory so you have to call Hitler to help you

2019-11-20 09:31:51 UTC  

was swell until he started listening to turds

2019-11-20 09:31:57 UTC  


2019-11-20 09:32:06 UTC  

was swell until the alliance with Hoitler

2019-11-20 09:32:08 UTC  

then he was viable for all kinds of criticisms

2019-11-20 09:32:34 UTC  

Hitler was a Mussolini fangirl who took his obsession too far

2019-11-20 09:32:43 UTC  

He wanted to run his army like big boi Hitler.
Didn’t understand that his army was still in a ww1 mindset.

2019-11-20 09:33:07 UTC  

Where was that quote

2019-11-20 09:36:14 UTC  

ah there we go

2019-11-20 09:36:18 UTC

2019-11-20 09:36:46 UTC  

Might not be an exact quote, but will still suffice

2019-11-20 09:38:10 UTC  

so when will GB translate into Ingsoc?

2019-11-20 09:52:16 UTC  

i do wonder what path italy could have pursued if they had abstained from allying themselves with germany

2019-11-20 09:58:03 UTC  

Probably something like Spain but more spaghetti

2019-11-20 09:58:19 UTC  

maybe they could've aligned themselves with the ussr

2019-11-20 09:58:51 UTC  

I doubt it

2019-11-20 09:59:21 UTC  

the main issue would be that the fascists existed in a state of compromise with right liberals, reactionaries, and capitalists

2019-11-20 09:59:21 UTC  

soviet roman spirit

2019-11-20 09:59:32 UTC  

united socialist state of spaghetti

2019-11-20 09:59:49 UTC  

prior to the italian social republic at least, but that only came to fruition because of them joining the war and losing

2019-11-20 10:00:16 UTC  

mussolini actually considered calling the italian social republic the italian socialist republic i believe

2019-11-20 10:10:22 UTC  

The mighty socialist spaghetti faggot

2019-11-20 10:10:30 UTC  


2019-11-20 10:10:46 UTC  

many are the thotcrimes of the prole

2019-11-20 10:12:27 UTC  

Socialism is coming back because of the incompetence of the globalist neo-liberals

2019-11-20 10:12:32 UTC  

We all get to suffer

2019-11-20 10:12:52 UTC  

Socialism is coming back because of your mum

2019-11-20 10:14:00 UTC  

You can suffer then thanks, in part, to my socialist mum

2019-11-20 10:14:21 UTC  

your mum is going to ara ara all the proles to support the new socialautismo state

2019-11-20 10:14:36 UTC  

big sister is already in motion

2019-11-20 10:14:40 UTC  


2019-11-20 10:16:01 UTC  

Socialism isn’t “coming back”
It never left.
It’s been steadily growing in the west all this time.