Message from @Omar_The_OMAP

Discord ID: 634506753031012353

2019-10-17 18:29:10 UTC  

And had black face

2019-10-17 18:29:12 UTC  

lmfaoooo.... bruh das racist

2019-10-17 18:29:13 UTC  

Been ignoring politics for a bit, we still screwed?

2019-10-17 18:29:24 UTC  

yeah its fucked.

2019-10-17 18:29:26 UTC  

Only if Trump loses

2019-10-17 18:29:30 UTC  

thats all I'm gonna say

2019-10-17 18:29:47 UTC  

He's not losing last time I checked, so we should be good

2019-10-17 18:31:14 UTC  

According to that one Youtuber with 20 subs Trump has already lost and we just don't know it yet

2019-10-17 18:31:54 UTC  

He is saying the timelines will be converging where Hillary and Trump are both President?

2019-10-17 18:34:02 UTC  

This has been my reaction of up and downs since trump ran in 2016.

2019-10-17 18:35:50 UTC  

6:55 is me on election night 2020 if trump wins

2019-10-17 18:46:00 UTC  

The attack shouldn't have happened.

2019-10-17 19:41:28 UTC  


2019-10-17 20:56:14 UTC  

if they try to go door to door taking away guns there's going to be a civil war

2019-10-17 20:56:50 UTC  

the entire point of bearing arms is protection from tyranny

2019-10-17 21:42:53 UTC  
2019-10-17 21:43:18 UTC  

Sorry, I don't Speak 1.6 GDP Defence Spending

2019-10-17 22:26:10 UTC  

thank fuck its fake

2019-10-17 22:34:50 UTC  

don't matter leftists will run with it anyways

2019-10-17 22:46:09 UTC  

Mattered a bit to me. For all his behavioral fuck ups (the real ones, I mean) that would have been too far to support.

2019-10-17 22:47:00 UTC  

more the "President Mozzerella" bit than the rome bit

2019-10-17 22:48:44 UTC  

too many zealots going around yapping about how America's the inheritor of Rome or whatever the fucking delusion of grandeur decribes, you kinda get numb to it

2019-10-17 22:51:32 UTC  

the catholic church was the inheritor of Rome until the 1960s. Now its the sedes

2019-10-17 22:53:39 UTC - hey uh anyone besides me hear an echo(?) anyone?

2019-10-17 23:02:52 UTC  

but i guess they are bluffing with the impeachment talk --- just bluster

2019-10-17 23:02:59 UTC  

c'mon dems , doo it - do it faggots 😄

2019-10-17 23:05:02 UTC  

also i expect dorsey will have his footsoldiers yeet that tweet soon

2019-10-17 23:14:39 UTC  

Any bets on AOC blaming Trump for Chairman Cumming's Death?

2019-10-17 23:15:33 UTC  

i mean they blame him for a hurricane so i could happen

2019-10-17 23:17:46 UTC  

wouldn't put it past aoc

2019-10-17 23:20:32 UTC  

Even Bootlicker Operator said it was a bad Shoot