Message from @evannthegreat1

Discord ID: 637690529340981248

2019-10-26 11:51:04 UTC  

But your uni might

2019-10-26 11:59:16 UTC  

its not run by the college. its run by more dorm building

2019-10-26 12:33:46 UTC  

Ugg no. We are not an 'extension of Europe' more an escape **from** Europe. From Monroe onward we grew by forcing Europe out and taking in those people who could escape their madness. Pretty much until very recently because we needed the Euros to let us fight the commies. Even as recent as WWI. If you look at the pro-war side in the US one of their fears was that if England lost they would trade colonies for the peace and we would have Prussians to the north. Even then we didn't work for free. In exchange for support we charged the Brits every naval base they had in **our hemisphere**

2019-10-26 12:44:34 UTC  

I've just been banned from a sever for calling antifa, fascists.

2019-10-26 12:56:25 UTC  

Well you should've known better, they're not fascists

2019-10-26 13:31:13 UTC  

Which server? <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2019-10-26 13:55:41 UTC  

yeah, they're nazis, not fascists

2019-10-26 13:55:51 UTC  

... or am I mixing it up again

2019-10-26 14:15:12 UTC  

I am genuinely scared at how far left these climate activists are, I honestly don’t give a shit about climate change, but these people think they are going to die, it’s so cult like

2019-10-26 14:43:26 UTC  

@Comando Overly Sarcastic Productions sever.

2019-10-26 14:56:35 UTC  

the climate activists don't give a shit about climate change either. if they did they'd be calling for the cessation of all aid to the third world. third world industrialization and population growth is going to be driving the majority of emissions for the next century.

2019-10-26 14:56:56 UTC  

it's not about the environment. never has been. it's all about power.

2019-10-26 14:57:36 UTC  

maybe some of the lowest level footsolders care, but the people calling the shots and writing the checks sure as fuck don't.

2019-10-26 14:58:59 UTC  

the trouble here is that ignorant hippies and white guilt middle class lefties are easily manipulated by sociopaths.

2019-10-26 15:00:20 UTC  

I recently discovered this. We need to maintain greenhouse gas levels, otherwise we will be destroyed by the glaciers.

2019-10-26 15:45:49 UTC  

Colder weather is what made people white. Makes you wonder if Greta is a white supremacist.

2019-10-26 16:13:58 UTC  


2019-10-26 16:14:03 UTC  

Based Greta?

2019-10-26 16:34:11 UTC  

Bro I joined a leftist channel

2019-10-26 16:34:16 UTC  

Holy shit these people

2019-10-26 16:34:29 UTC  

I didn’t think it was this bad

2019-10-26 16:35:08 UTC  

Leftists are fucking cancer

2019-10-26 16:35:20 UTC  

who assume POC are unable to deal with IRL problems themselves

2019-10-26 16:35:24 UTC  

(hence: Reparations)

2019-10-26 16:35:35 UTC  

Bro I got them started on Israel

2019-10-26 16:35:38 UTC  


2019-10-26 16:35:47 UTC  

They called me a genocide apologist

2019-10-26 16:35:55 UTC  


2019-10-26 16:36:04 UTC  

what, a couple thousand Palestinians have been killed by Israel

2019-10-26 16:36:25 UTC  

It's like a 0.8:1 KD ratio for Palestinians or some shit

2019-10-26 16:36:37 UTC  

they kill quite a few innocent Israelis

2019-10-26 16:36:45 UTC  

Bro the conversation started with Native American genocide

2019-10-26 16:36:52 UTC  

That was rough

2019-10-26 16:36:53 UTC  

The Natives genocided eachother

2019-10-26 16:36:55 UTC  


2019-10-26 16:37:27 UTC  
2019-10-26 16:37:31 UTC  


2019-10-26 16:45:41 UTC  

Bro within 1 hour someone called for the eradication of labor and gender and I was called a racist, genocide apologist

2019-10-26 16:47:31 UTC  

Someone is now explaining communism

2019-10-26 16:48:06 UTC  

Invite me bro @evannthegreat1