Message from @Spooky Blobs

Discord ID: 640376357888589844

2019-11-02 12:57:48 UTC  

Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.

2019-11-02 15:51:31 UTC  

a whole lot of this bullshit could and can still be avoided by rightly and justifiably ignoring Ukraine entirely

2019-11-02 15:53:13 UTC  

seriously, why the fuck has everyone just blindly and spontaneously accepted as 'given' that they... matter? at least in the field of American domestic politics.

2019-11-02 15:56:28 UTC  

Integral to keep Russia in Check from a western perspective at least

2019-11-02 16:16:46 UTC  

The Ukraine, among other things, gives Russia access to the sea, strengthening its military standing, thus resulting in a more powerful stance against Europe. The fact that Russia invaded Crimea is a warning to the rest of the world that their politics are still a real threat.

2019-11-02 16:17:29 UTC  

Ideologically/morally speaking nothing really stops Russia from warring with Europe.

2019-11-02 17:03:16 UTC  

Well, Russia invading Crimea simply secures the Kerch Strait to ensure constant access to the black sea (They had access but they wanted control over the strait). Now they're looking to secure their access into the Mediterranean sea through their closer ties with Turkey.

2019-11-02 19:31:08 UTC  

bro but we must seize da means of production comrade

2019-11-02 20:01:59 UTC  

We already hold the memes of production

2019-11-02 20:54:24 UTC  


2019-11-02 20:54:46 UTC  

May Meme war 2 be a good one.

2019-11-02 21:04:13 UTC  

Electric boogaloo

2019-11-02 21:58:23 UTC  

"He Quit Like a Dog"
-Alpha Chad in Chief

2019-11-02 23:53:24 UTC  

Oh no Beto dropped? But who will take my AR now?

2019-11-02 23:53:34 UTC  

A woman?!

2019-11-03 01:41:49 UTC  

"O’Rourke, the 47-year-old former Texas representative who rose to prominence running a close race against Republican Sen. Ted Cruz," Do people forget he lost

2019-11-03 01:41:57 UTC  

Being known for losing isn't exactly

2019-11-03 01:42:01 UTC  

Something you constantly want repeated

2019-11-03 02:27:01 UTC  

so anyone got opinions on Fuentes and his followers cause idk what's going on

2019-11-03 04:55:37 UTC  

Tbh, Pearl Clutching over Holocaust Denial is Cringe

2019-11-03 04:56:17 UTC  

Personally, I don't think the fact that it happened or not is debatable; the scale, on the other hand, is.

2019-11-03 06:59:31 UTC  

It's semantics when it comes to scale because 100,000 to 600,000 is a big jump numerically but morally it's irrelevant once you start systematically killing people in any qauntity.

2019-11-03 08:44:51 UTC  

it's a bit odd that people always tout the largest estimate

2019-11-03 08:45:28 UTC  

normally if there's a range you just go with the middle estimate

2019-11-03 14:16:40 UTC  

Well 6 million isn't the highest estimate

2019-11-03 14:16:48 UTC  

it's the most likely estimate

2019-11-03 14:17:02 UTC  

7+ million may be high estimate

2019-11-03 14:17:18 UTC  

5 million is the low estimate I believe, some even go as low as 4.6

2019-11-03 14:17:27 UTC  

So 4.6 to 7 million, 6 is ironically in the middle

2019-11-03 14:17:47 UTC  

then there are non jews, so like 12-13 million in the holocaust is reasonable

2019-11-03 14:18:01 UTC  

you also have to understand 60 million people died in the war, many jews were just outright murdered and never brought to camps

2019-11-03 14:18:15 UTC  

There are mass graves all over Europe, some of which are still being found, where nazis just round people up and shot them

2019-11-03 14:18:32 UTC  

When you include those figures in to the total numbers, the deaths of jews and other groups such as gyspies invariably goes up

2019-11-03 14:21:22 UTC  

@Spooky Blobs

All I know is that every time I try to ask a groyper WTF the issue is they sperg out and get upset I am not riveted by the drama. I'm not even a fan of TPUSA but am inclined to side with them because they look good by comparison.

2019-11-03 14:22:33 UTC  

all these fucking made up words, how do they expect anyone to just intuit what the fuck they're talking about

2019-11-03 14:22:56 UTC  

the fuck is a groyper

2019-11-03 14:23:47 UTC  


It's kinda fucked up by history. Most of the killing happened in what became Soviet territory. A power that had a skilled police state and intelligence service trying to weave a national narrative.

2019-11-03 14:24:33 UTC  


Groyper is a particular Pepe. I just know that the Fuentes side has been calling themselves that.

2019-11-03 14:25:42 UTC  

wow, I regret asking, thanks anyway