Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 496506610231803904
Well, lets be real. Who knows what the real history is of anything at this point. History has already been altered since I was in school
Very very true
I always questioned it.
Was Lincoln REALLY that good of a dude
They talk shit about what's his name
Shhhhh, we might get blackbagged if we keep this up
Guy who founded the KKK as the rebel vets association
I love big government!
He said "war means fighting and fighting means killin"
Nathan Bedford Forrest
I believe
Anyways they constantly talk shit about that dude but the guy was about his troops man. Kkk was just an organization for vets of the old army at first. As soon as it started get racist-y he bounced and denounced it
Who knows who else they've smeared
Shit I have a public school education so I'm probably barely more educated than someone in a Brazilian favela
Haha, you should have become a freemason instead of going to school, you'd probably know more truth than the rest of us peasants
Yea, once I have kids, I wont be sending them to public school... well, probably not, because ill probably still be poor but with more mouths to feed
Well I hope not
Nah, im in my 30s
Cool cool
I'm 30 and I'm just waking up too man
Yea, seems to be a pretty common theme these days
But I was tricked into never wanting a family, now im 34, so I'm trying to find a woman to date... but boy, slim pickings
Ya spend your 20s as an atheist anarch and you wake up and realize all the time you wasted being a fucking loser
Yeah man
I sure did level up a bunch of imaginary caracters in video games and smoked a bunch of pot... but not much else
Whooooo technically I'm still doing that but I'm also leveling up my spirituality and my values and my conviction to those values so *shrug* it's a long road
Nothing wrong with video games, but I've come to learn that life is about balance
Yep yep
You got it man. And I was in that same trap. My ex wife parents told us not to waste time with kids and to enjoy our lives.
Yeah how ironic is that coming from the folks with t
5 kids...
Wow, the parents said that? Hateful
Yep yep and the stuff they did after our divorce is even more so. Oh well. They will suffer and die.
What else is there in life?
Exactly man.
So blind and stupid and selfish
hey, we were tricked. My parents did their best, I was a selfhish a-hole