Message from @Szayel's Pooppion
Discord ID: 502528104162656257
Genetics are intentional and God given. There is no such thing as 3 main races. What about the native americans and other indigenous people across the lands. Everyone has distinct features. We came from one place and that is from God. To bucketize 3 races just scream ineptitude.
Native Americans came over the land bridge from Asia.
Really? Does that explain South American Indigenous people?
Why do they have darker colored skin?
And you have fair skinned Asians?
And none of them mixed with Black or white?
I'm not saying that there is no such thing as ethnic groups or ethnicity. Ethnic groups are infinite, but they're not the same as race.
Otherwise there would be infinite races.
Race and ethnicity are not the same
I think with race, it's best just to keep it as simple as possible.
We are an infinite race.
This is why it aggravates me incredibly if a Hispanic says they’re Hispanic rather than saying white
That doesn't make any sense.
Hispanic is a variant of white, mixed with native people
They are still white
Hispanic = Spanish
Spanish = white
Doesn't matter the race
What race is a mixed person?
What race is not?
Why does it matter to bucketize it?
It's true so if you want to get as basic as possible there are three different races Asian Caucasian and African.
No one is purebred so it doesn't matter.
Alex Jones said it so it's true
You believe Alex's opinion as fact?
No this is science.
It’s scientific, it’s interesting. It’s interesting to know and fascinating to think about. So why does it not matter? Nobody is saying that it *does* matter
It’s just interesting
There was a reason why I said it but right now it's out of context
A man who doesn't have a genetic science degree, you believe what he says as fact?
This is a fact
How would you define the word fact?
Science is fact as well as spiritual
It’s quite obvious that there are a few distinct races and that almost all others on the planet are variants resulting from crossing in the gene pool
Idk why that’s hard to grasp
Send me a website.
A paper