Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 502529078218457099
What race is a mixed person?
What race is not?
Why does it matter to bucketize it?
It's true so if you want to get as basic as possible there are three different races Asian Caucasian and African.
No one is purebred so it doesn't matter.
Alex Jones said it so it's true
You believe Alex's opinion as fact?
No this is science.
It’s scientific, it’s interesting. It’s interesting to know and fascinating to think about. So why does it not matter? Nobody is saying that it *does* matter
It’s just interesting
There was a reason why I said it but right now it's out of context
A man who doesn't have a genetic science degree, you believe what he says as fact?
This is a fact
How would you define the word fact?
Science is fact as well as spiritual
It’s quite obvious that there are a few distinct races and that almost all others on the planet are variants resulting from crossing in the gene pool
Idk why that’s hard to grasp
Send me a website.
A paper
So you’re an intellectual
There are three main race groups in the world. Name a race group that is not part of those three
That’s good and all but it’s also good to see for yourself in observance
That doesn't explain indigenous Natives.
Natives come from Asians
How would you define indigenous?
And are basically the same thing
Few variants
How do you know that?
I disagree
Native tribes that you think of in north and South America look identical to native tribes of the Asias
You don't believe every continent had their own type of person already there?
They crossed over through time to the America’s
Where is the proof?
Everybody is indigenous to someplace otherwise they are space aliens.
Over a missing land mass that got swallowed by the sea?
Scientists are sure that everybody in North and South America came over the land bridge from Russia
God allows you to see that’s all I can say
Scientists can only do so much