Message from @Marushia Dark

Discord ID: 643311004997910540

2019-11-11 04:45:30 UTC  

@Jack of Trades Women aren't above the law, they can't do whatever the hell they like

2019-11-11 04:45:30 UTC  

You're bringing in irrelevant thesis

2019-11-11 04:45:43 UTC  

Shim, that's literally what not being a person means

2019-11-11 04:45:55 UTC  

If a state deems that killing a fetus is murdering a person, and prevents their doctors from doing so, great.

2019-11-11 04:46:00 UTC  

We don't care about the rights of rocks, for instnace

2019-11-11 04:46:00 UTC  

What does it mean?

2019-11-11 04:46:01 UTC  

@ShimShamWhamBam The whole point of removing personhood is because it's contentious

2019-11-11 04:46:07 UTC  

If you want an abortion, go to a state where it’s legal.

2019-11-11 04:46:10 UTC  

@Win Roe I agree, I'm not suggesting they are, however there's no law that gives you the right to someone else's body, fetuses included. QED

2019-11-11 04:46:11 UTC  

what are youse even sperging about?

2019-11-11 04:46:25 UTC  

@Scale_e it shouldn't be illegal

2019-11-11 04:46:26 UTC  

It's late, I'd really prefer not to dig out my law dictionary -_-

2019-11-11 04:47:04 UTC  

Laws = Morality?

2019-11-11 04:47:10 UTC  

@Jack of Trades police have to order people around in certain circumstances, people are not islands we live in a society

2019-11-11 04:47:24 UTC  

churk cares about the rights of rocks

2019-11-11 04:47:31 UTC  
2019-11-11 04:47:33 UTC  

@Churk am i right?

2019-11-11 04:47:47 UTC  

@Chuckler Depends on the law. Sometimes yes (rape, murder) sometimes no (traffic law, war on drugs)

2019-11-11 04:47:50 UTC  

Anyone who does not want a kid should not have one

2019-11-11 04:48:11 UTC  

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that is personhood a purely legal term or an agreement society, are Jews in the third Reich people if the government denies their personhood?

2019-11-11 04:48:15 UTC  

> churk cares about the rights of rocks


2019-11-11 04:48:31 UTC  

That's in accordance with the law. There isn't a law that lets you decide someone has to support another life so enforcement is irrelevant. There's nothing to enforce.

2019-11-11 04:48:32 UTC  

People have responsibilities to eachother, sure it's not a "right" to someone elses body, but you have to take into account how your actions affect other people

2019-11-11 04:48:34 UTC  

Life is not precious

2019-11-11 04:48:51 UTC  

the baby inside the body has a right to that body

2019-11-11 04:48:52 UTC  

It is in abundance

2019-11-11 04:49:10 UTC  

@Win Roe the only people on question are the person carrying the child and the child

2019-11-11 04:49:12 UTC  

if you have a baby in there you have already given up some of your rights to this "baby" thing

2019-11-11 04:49:15 UTC  

Personhood is a universal human concept. The right to personhood is recognized in the UDHR, for instance. So Jews would still be persons regardless of what the Nazis say. That's WHY it's a crime to kill them

2019-11-11 04:49:33 UTC  

The child does not have the legal right to the mother's womb, as I understand it

2019-11-11 04:50:09 UTC  

squatters rights

2019-11-11 04:50:14 UTC  

checkmate atheist

2019-11-11 04:50:23 UTC  

Jack, rights and duties are correlated. It has a right to the womb the same way a baby has a right to food. It's dependent on the mother as a result of the one-way consent of the relationship

2019-11-11 04:50:25 UTC  

I think we can find a cutoff point ti where the abortion doctor cab only remove the child if it can do so without damaging it

2019-11-11 04:50:37 UTC  

@Marushia Dark why does it?

2019-11-11 04:50:50 UTC  

How can consent be one way?

2019-11-11 04:51:01 UTC  

consent is a retarded concept

2019-11-11 04:51:02 UTC  

Both parties must consent, you're making shit up

2019-11-11 04:51:06 UTC  

@Chuckler That's such revoltingly Gnostic bullshit but okay

2019-11-11 04:51:07 UTC  

FFS ... why do babies have a right to be fed by their parents, Jack? Yes, it's one way cuz the parents chose to have the kid, the kid didn't choose its parents.

2019-11-11 04:51:17 UTC  

For anyone believing in a "god" ANYTHING that happens is presumably part of the plan so you are disqualified from adding comment. Sit at kids table. You can run around the wacky warehouse while we have a pint