Message from @Szayel's Pooppion
Discord ID: 528424418226208778
TL;DR: old person who worked as a journalist for 30+ years is now working an entry-level job and we're supposed to see it as anything other than a person who should retire taking a job that a young person could otherwise have.
I got some stuff, a couple of clothes & pusheen slippers. A candle too (:
i got a little tibetan singing bowl and some chocolates.
i got some socks and boxers
and a nice axe
Why an axe? Lol you chopping wood?
No I have a axe throwing target on my farm.
Well I chop wood all the time as well
But normally I get a throwing axe every year, then my family goes outside and we take turns throwing axes at the target
some people got rich from crypto. i said don't do it. the love of money isn't what's evil, it's the desire for something for nothing.
Imma create my own crypto and I’m going to call it BETAcoin
That’s so nice. I’m a disgrace tho I haven’t gotten his book yet lol
At my parents in Virginia, listened to JLP nearly the whole ride from Maryland.. tremendous
How nice
How was your Christmas !?
It was good @Szayel's Pooppion and yours?
I’m excited for the new year too
I have goals set for after the new year ^^
Nice, same here in terms of goals
That’s good. Anything you’re willing to share?
Fookin amaaazin
Get in better cardio shape, pray and read more, help a friend of mine start a podcast
Podcasts are easy to start, so you can start it today!
Awesome c:
I'm saving up for a used car by my birthday
I love the smell of "some bacon some salam, som salam some bacum" peace be upon breakfist
Hey guys! I made this coffee mug for my Dad and he loves it! if you are wondering what to get someone for their birthday, get them this!
here is the picture. all you have to do is go to this link
and choose wraparound mug
I know its not exactly like the one you see in his church services, bit that pic of him is the closest one I could be bothered to find
Whoa awesome !! Good job <:GWchiakiVanillaPray:369468291703373834>
That mug is rlly sweet
The mug club