Message from @svarozhyc

Discord ID: 644876129366441994

2019-11-15 12:25:32 UTC  

if you gib sheckles on patreon 😛

2019-11-15 12:25:35 UTC  

very true Uksio

2019-11-15 12:25:46 UTC  

they are differnt forms of intelligence

2019-11-15 12:25:48 UTC  

IQ is useful for excellent capability in jerking yourself off over a big brain

2019-11-15 12:25:55 UTC  


2019-11-15 12:25:57 UTC  

buncha rude slacked jawed faggots in here

2019-11-15 12:25:59 UTC  

on THIS we agree

2019-11-15 12:26:03 UTC  


2019-11-15 12:26:15 UTC  

Very high IQs are all different, and differently smart

2019-11-15 12:26:30 UTC  

i went into a thread of high iq folk once

2019-11-15 12:26:31 UTC  

Someone with better spacial reasoning is not the same as abstract logic

2019-11-15 12:26:32 UTC  


2019-11-15 12:26:39 UTC  

I will also say that anyone paying Sargon monthly automatically has low IQ

2019-11-15 12:26:42 UTC  

they were all saying they're over 130 and doing shit with AI and design and shit

2019-11-15 12:26:43 UTC  

most high IQs lack common sense and the ability to apply that intelligence

2019-11-15 12:26:46 UTC  

and there was one gal

2019-11-15 12:26:51 UTC  

to anything but abstract concepts

2019-11-15 12:26:57 UTC  

who had confirmed 160 as they did tests in jail

2019-11-15 12:27:15 UTC  

coz she was sent down for killing someone in self defence

2019-11-15 12:27:18 UTC  

psychopaths tend to misapply their smarts

2019-11-15 12:27:30 UTC  

and she worked as a waitress after the jail

2019-11-15 12:27:31 UTC  

creativity IS a type of intelligence though, especially in problem solving

2019-11-15 12:27:34 UTC  

And for whatever reasons there are more smart psychopaths than the dumb ones

2019-11-15 12:27:37 UTC  

it was pretty fucking grim

2019-11-15 12:27:47 UTC  

dumb ones dont live long enough

2019-11-15 12:27:58 UTC  

someone that throws vagina blood at a wall and calls it art isn't being 'creative'

2019-11-15 12:28:01 UTC  

If Cenk is running for Senator so should Alex Jones

2019-11-15 12:28:02 UTC  

so it's a misnomer

2019-11-15 12:28:15 UTC

2019-11-15 12:28:17 UTC  

average slav

2019-11-15 12:28:23 UTC  

creativity is also very subjective

2019-11-15 12:28:31 UTC  

ingenuity is more concrete

2019-11-15 12:28:38 UTC  

Creativity is applied curiosity of an erudite person

2019-11-15 12:28:44 UTC  

can you solve this problem given limited resources?

2019-11-15 12:29:01 UTC  

studying postmodernism we had """clear""" definitions of originality v innovation

2019-11-15 12:29:01 UTC  

^^ this is also MOST indicitive of the odds of survival

2019-11-15 12:29:12 UTC  

When you know so much of how stuff work you can pull distant connections and apply methods from one specialised area to another

2019-11-15 12:29:19 UTC  

That is creativity in a nutshell

2019-11-15 12:29:29 UTC  

It never comes from a vaccuum of knowledge

2019-11-15 12:29:36 UTC  

originality is putting existing things in novel way, whilst innovation is expanding on the things to put i.e. changing the game entirely

2019-11-15 12:29:49 UTC  

well, there is a difference between knowledge and understanding