Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 554057822787076097

2019-03-07 08:47:43 UTC  

That place seems so volatile I wouldn't recommend trying to be different.

2019-03-07 12:45:17 UTC  

@Arion South African here. The ANC,EFF and BFLF are all communists. Its sad that all the political parties are the same. All communists killing white farmers and taking their land and selling the country out to China because they want free shit. They worship Mandela. The paper money used to have mandela on one side and an animal of the big 5 on the other side, now all the notes have mandela on both sides. They removed the rhino,cheeta,elephant,buffalo and lion. Why? They idolize a communist terrorist. At the universities like Witz they spray paint antisemitic and anti-white racist slogans and chant shoot the jew and kill all whites. The president even sings songs at rallies about shooting white people.

2019-03-07 13:52:11 UTC  

like, the only conservative that iv seen was a lecturer that was a special case and is a doctor from germany, his name is Doctor Rainer Lisowski

2019-03-07 18:30:04 UTC  

South Africa belongs to the White Dutch settlers

2019-03-07 20:10:36 UTC  

@Hake Robert Davi gets fired up here and loudly scolds the weak Republicans

2019-03-07 20:10:53 UTC  

gave me chills

2019-03-07 23:24:26 UTC  

James's report about the Petas giving water to the pigs reminded me of this video:

2019-03-07 23:42:16 UTC  

peta trying to argue that meat is murder is hilarious

2019-03-09 13:18:29 UTC  

sorry drumpf fans, but ill take my 1000 over a gay president

2019-03-09 13:55:11 UTC  


2019-03-09 15:28:06 UTC  

This is what happens when white women get power and fat.

2019-03-09 19:23:03 UTC  

@Deleted User I was talking about the black guy

2019-03-09 19:40:08 UTC  


2019-03-09 19:40:34 UTC  

I mean I guess she was kinda bitchy but he just didnt get what he did wrong

2019-03-09 21:47:47 UTC  

It makes sense.

2019-03-09 21:47:58 UTC  

If you come in early, you leave early.

2019-03-09 21:48:19 UTC  

If he is salaried, he has to be given that opportunity.

2019-03-09 21:49:00 UTC  

If he is hourly, he should be payed when he clocks in until he clocks out.

2019-03-09 21:49:25 UTC  

You cant make your own hours tho

2019-03-09 21:49:54 UTC  

Depends on the job and how much is changed.

2019-03-09 21:50:26 UTC  

how so

2019-03-09 21:50:40 UTC  

Coming in 15 minutes early to leave 15 minutes early is very reasonable, but 1-2 hour differences likely aren't.

2019-03-09 21:51:13 UTC  

He wasnt supposed to come in early

2019-03-09 21:51:42 UTC  

He came in early to let the fire department in.

2019-03-09 21:52:07 UTC  

yeah and he didnt have the authority to do so

2019-03-09 21:52:27 UTC  

I'm pretty sure school jobs are contract-based, so whatever rule would be written down.

2019-03-09 21:53:00 UTC  

Sounds like his bosses are morons who don't know who should do what.

2019-03-09 21:53:03 UTC  


2019-03-09 21:53:39 UTC  

you cant just leave your job early cause you want to

2019-03-09 21:53:43 UTC  

without telling anyone

2019-03-09 21:54:12 UTC  

aslo he doesnt understand that he left early

2019-03-09 21:54:32 UTC  

You can if salary, the only problem would be lack of communication but it also has to be an environment where he can be able to communicate fluid hours.

2019-03-09 21:55:30 UTC  

It makes perfect sense to not communicate a change to your boss if he would respond with "No, you cannot leave early and I need you to stay late."

2019-03-09 21:55:41 UTC  

White women make terrible bosses.

2019-03-09 21:55:53 UTC  

This guy was just an awful employee

2019-03-09 21:56:36 UTC  

It's a custodian job, if they want better quality employees they need to pay more or improve their candidate selection when hiring.