Message from @ManAnimal
Discord ID: 645476881751080960
@Uksio racist anti-semite! That is unamerican.
@Highlander That's just a math formula, you biggot
Exponent of crime
When N is 17%, it outputs 53%
em no sweety. You should undergo capital punishment for racism and anti-semitism. You are against our values(TM)!
Yay frozen!!!!!!!’
>tfw no female pedo to Ara Ara you
Female pedos get the rope too
@livid_scrooge you first
socialised bobs
It is my duty to fuck AOC RIGHT
By the time I am done, she will be full on Fascist
@ManAnimal Danacrag would like that tho.
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck what about wholesome predators that just want to eat cheetos and play video games
>~1 second gifs
peak boomerism achieved
@Lucienne d'Anwyl
>tfw no wholesome female predator who just wants to eat cheetos and play video games
new thing bad
old thing bad
cursed boomer images
anyone remember when the media did a poe and actually reported this?
"Curing Childhood"'
why quote those words?