Message from @Jeremy

Discord ID: 626311413039890432

2019-09-25 02:42:43 UTC  

And the new shows and podcasts they do are good

2019-09-25 02:43:06 UTC  

Ready set show is a fun watch

2019-09-25 02:44:49 UTC  

They're aware most of their audience is aging with them, while some kids may join, it's mostly Boomer minded millennials

2019-09-25 02:46:35 UTC  

(clarification) the boomers I think of when I say boomers aren't the anti war hippies, I grew up with the other kind of boomers that hate the hippies

2019-09-25 02:58:09 UTC  

Fiona has taken some getting used to; it's because all the Original cast are now like 30s and 40s, I thought her new show was interesting since it teaches those old fucks about memes

2019-09-25 02:59:49 UTC  

Fiona and Lindsay are fun in the chaos their lack of gaming ability brings, definitely responsible for the most wtf moments

2019-09-25 03:00:22 UTC  

Jeremy is definitely the funniest imo

2019-09-25 03:05:12 UTC  

People didn't like Fiona because she seemed disinterested in the beginning

2019-09-25 03:06:07 UTC  

Though, tbh, she was probably still coming to terms with, you know, moving halfway across a fucking Continent to work with a bunch of dudes you barely know

2019-09-25 03:14:25 UTC  

Understandable, they never really told her she was hired, just said "you should move out to Texas and do some videos with us"

2019-09-25 03:14:48 UTC  

Until they did a desk reveal for her

2019-09-25 03:17:18 UTC  

There was the whole repeat of the Same Sentiment people had with Mika

2019-09-25 03:23:46 UTC  

I liked Mika

2019-09-25 04:03:14 UTC

The economic development of our communities across this nation has been under assault by internal, central planners for the past century. If a child can't sell produce, if small businesses cannot create new markets because they cannot enter the market, if we are stripped of our basic rights of property, self-preservation and organization, oppressed by regulations and entrepreneurship all but outright declared abolished, how can we ever hope for or expect impoverished communities across this nation to lift themselves up? This is a prime example of the corporate, fascist State we're all living in, created by proponents of government intervention and expansion. Laborers are told they're not allowed to sell their labor, if it doesn't meet artificial price floors set by the government, and thus small businesses that'd otherwise exist and lift impoverished and unemployed communities out of poverty never enter the market. These policies are sold to the illiterate, those they profess to champion under the banner of altruistic intents by proponents of all forms of centralized planning, whether the form of regulating to benefit the market-share of corporations, advocates of socialism, or communism; any form of infringement upon the freedom of a peoples right to engage in commerce. They are also their victims.

2019-09-25 04:52:11 UTC  

"I'm sorry, you're too white to contribute to society's basic needs."

2019-09-25 04:52:55 UTC  

Based said fake quote on nothing, but I can say with certainty that none of my schools were in stable enough condition to straight grow and sell discount fucking food.

2019-09-25 04:54:37 UTC  

this is actually a tad tyrannical

2019-09-25 04:55:06 UTC  

that school should start hanging 'don't tread on me' banners.

2019-09-25 05:55:49 UTC  
2019-09-25 05:56:36 UTC  
2019-09-25 06:57:57 UTC  

@Jokerfaic, beyond that, the regulations are on a scale to the extent you're unable to repair your vehicle on your property, according to many municodes, which are written by industry unions and associations. You'll get fined for blowing out your sewage port, even if it poses a danger to people inside your home - you're expected to let the sewage back up into your house, thanks to ecological laws, as they use these as justification to force you to hire a licensed plumber to engage in the simplest task one could perform on their own. You're not allowed to replace doors, windows, repair your own roof, grow your own food, etc. In fact, just a couple of years ago, my county had someone working for the USDA cut down my citrus trees (I have a couple, one in my backyard and front yard), then I had them threaten me with a $1,500 fine for each chicken (there was about 5 of them) they found in my neighborhood, which are wild and happen to run around my property. All of these restrictions, imposed by localized government, is lobbied for by firms large enough to influence regulations, as they want to force people to consume their goods and services, rather than sustaining themselves, an outright assault on a man's independence on a grotesque and fundamental level. This is compounded atop market-entry barriers based on geography that telecommunications firms, for example, lobby for or secure via contract, promising the local governments tax revenues they deceive and bill out to their customers as "fees," under the condition they're allowed to expand the leased area to that surrounding the leased infrastructure beyond the infrastructure, itself, to prevent other providers from investing in their own infrastructure to offer services to customers along the same routes. This is a highly prominent issue in the ISP markets, and it completely locks out competition, meaning even local entrepreneurs aren't able to enter the market and exploit the

2019-09-25 06:57:57 UTC  

pricing disparity, competing for market-share, which would otherwise result in lowering consumer prices and opening the market to innovation, creating more jobs along the way. Thus, you end up with monopoly, increasing prices and operating inefficiently because no consumer alternatives exist. This kind of corruption is rampant, and to top it all off, the governments also use regulations that burden cost of entry to ensure firms wishing to enter the market require subsidization, thus allowing them to plan the local economies indirectly by deciding who does and does not receive subsidization. Then, you have zoning, which extends beyond the issue of that article, creating artificial housing shortages, which creates homeless hordes and excessively high rents, while simultaneously allowing governments to rubber-stamp the denial and approval of market-entry to businesses requiring capital assets/land to operate. In fact, there used to be a multi-generational, family watch business up the road, but they changed the zoning, forcing the owner out of business. The rampant abuse of government power and zealotry is on an immutable scale, almost purely wielded for the exploitation of the American people. And, as you work your way up the chain, toward macro-economic policy, examining labor laws, including minimum wages, licensing, red-tape requiring years and a lot of money to crawl through, burdening businesses with excess costs to entry and operation, you can see why there are cities, towns, communities all across our country frozen in time and unable to develop, all for the consolidation of market-share to benefit and insulate the corporate-state from competition. You see it in the healthcare industry, likely the greatest and most expensive example; the list goes on. Then, everyone looks around and wonders why the costs vastly outpace wage growth, why it feels like America never recovered from the recession. It's because the government is telling us we're not allowed to.

2019-09-25 07:05:21 UTC  


2019-09-25 07:12:20 UTC  

lol wall of text

2019-09-25 07:14:12 UTC  

Toss in expansion of taxation, and this all makes for a lovely recipe of deadweight loss in the trillions, and that's not even including the trillions unions cost us on their own.

2019-09-25 07:14:50 UTC  

I can go on and on, @Goodwood of Dank™.

2019-09-25 07:15:09 UTC  

too long; didn't read

2019-09-25 07:15:30 UTC  

It wasn't a reply to you either way.

2019-09-25 08:42:44 UTC  

That's not a wall of text, that's a communist era apartment building.

2019-09-25 08:57:41 UTC  


2019-09-25 09:58:57 UTC  

So joe biden blackmails and then bribes a ukranian politician

2019-09-25 09:59:08 UTC  

And Trump is the one that needs to be impeached over discovering this and trying to investigate it

2019-09-25 09:59:19 UTC  

This has to be the dumbest reason for impeachment ever

2019-09-25 09:59:36 UTC  

Reverse russian hackers <:coolgon:549370575701803019>

2019-09-25 09:59:40 UTC  

like wat

2019-09-25 09:59:54 UTC  

Trump is given information by ukraine and investigates

2019-09-25 10:00:08 UTC  

This is an impeachable offense

2019-09-25 10:00:12 UTC  

Next time they're gonna impeach him over two scoops of icecream

2019-09-25 10:00:30 UTC  

What's dumb is that Trump didn't even do anything