Message from @Jeremy

Discord ID: 626662922860625930

2019-09-26 05:02:38 UTC  

Although, reading your summary, it sounds suspiciously like

2019-09-26 05:03:02 UTC  

EXACTLY what Greta Thunberg has been saying

2019-09-26 05:29:20 UTC  


2019-09-26 05:32:00 UTC  

The legend grows

2019-09-26 05:34:36 UTC  

*4-D Chess skills intensify*

2019-09-26 05:35:51 UTC  

This is my favourite anime way more episodes than one peice and the episodes are 24/7

2019-09-26 05:35:59 UTC  

this just in, DOJ accused of russian collusion

2019-09-26 05:36:11 UTC  

I knew it

2019-09-26 05:36:43 UTC  

Trump is playing chess. They are playing checkers.

2019-09-26 05:37:22 UTC  

Trump is playing battle fleet gothic while they are playing go fish

2019-09-26 05:37:40 UTC  


2019-09-26 05:37:51 UTC  

This goes beyond just the board

2019-09-26 05:38:47 UTC  

There’s only so much you can say or do In go fish wich is a great example of the dems currently

2019-09-26 05:39:37 UTC  

But for trump what lies a head is his play may it change the world for the better

2019-09-26 05:43:41 UTC  

Trump is playing Rachmaninov and they are playing Chopsticks

2019-09-26 05:45:58 UTC  

I’m thinking more Gustav holst

2019-09-26 05:46:35 UTC  


2019-09-26 05:54:33 UTC  

The Objectivist philosophy has it that an individual working toward his own benefit inherently benefits all of society

2019-09-26 06:13:55 UTC  

@Benjamin Henry, the irony is Kaczynski rails against leftism, their psychology and so on, throughout the entire manifesto.

2019-09-26 06:14:43 UTC  

Besides, he got what he wanted; the Chinese succeeded in their deindustrialization of the United States.

2019-09-26 06:16:15 UTC  

That's a rather astute observation, in the consequence of Trump's actions, @Benjamin Henry.

2019-09-26 06:29:40 UTC  

There comes a point where you can no longer rest on the claim Trump may be playing 4-D chess, to instigate an investigation, in an effort toward dismissing the act that may warrant a probe. We all know, as well the record indicate of his digital operations, Trump is willing to utilize foreign assistance in campaigning and other matters. Whether or not you agree with his policies, harbor a fervent disgust for the DNC platform, as I do, the temporary benefit you see in setting and accepting the legal precedents are quite dangerous, as it goes both ways. You can end up with civil servants, for whom you fundamentally disagree with, wielding similar actions against you. It's quite dangerous, when we intend to remain an independent and sovereign nation.

2019-09-26 06:32:44 UTC  

We don't even know the full context of all that was said during that conversation

2019-09-26 06:36:01 UTC  

Beyond that, I don't believe Trump would've had to withhold aid to force the Zelensky administration to reinitiate any investigation into a western affiliated firm, as they're capitulating to Moscow, seeking to reset relations, which requires their subjugation to Kremlin interests. The entire reason the Western hemisphere desired the dismissal of the Ukrainian prosecutor, who initially probed the company affiliated with Biden's son, was due to his long-term history of targeting western affiliated business interests with phony charges, while overlooking the illegal activities of the Federation and their cartels, in essence, serving Moscow's interests. Thus, he was eventually impeached and removed from the bench.

2019-09-26 06:38:14 UTC  

Beyond the realm of domestic politics, there is also geopolitical significance to this subject as well.

2019-09-26 06:42:59 UTC  

But, I don't expect any partisan, including centrists, to get their heads out of their asses anytime soon, constantly overlooking harm done to our geopolitical interests to win irrelevant political battles at home.

2019-09-26 06:48:27 UTC  

You could've just typed out 'me hyperbole' a few hundred times

2019-09-26 06:59:07 UTC  

How is that a matter of hyperbole, when the subject nation is under the occupation of the Federation?

2019-09-26 07:00:49 UTC  

You could've typed out, "me sympathize with Moscow" a few hundred times, yourself.

2019-09-26 07:16:39 UTC  

Maybe you just misunderstand the situation

2019-09-26 07:16:42 UTC  

Lack of context

2019-09-26 07:38:58 UTC  

That'd be impossible, unless you're referencing a context which would conclude a sympathy for Russian power projection. This, however, isn't a misunderstanding on my part, but rather that of your own. It won't do the world any bit of good, and it's quite evident the Ukrainians, despite the Soviet efforts during the Holodomor to ethnically cleanse and replace, didn't wish to become a vassal of the Federation. I mean, who would, really? When has a vassal, including territory within the Federation, ever benefitted from a relationship with Moscow? This will never change, and though you may see Prussia's annexation of Crimea from the Ottoman Empire as having been a good, it was merely a transition from one dictatorship to the next; one collectivist culture to another, and it didn't end well for their descendants, either. The reality is, Moscow allows little in the way of economic and social freedom, and the government is only standing in the way of Russia's development and those nations of their near-abroad.

2019-09-26 07:47:09 UTC  

We don't have the full conversation

2019-09-26 07:47:41 UTC  

Are you still not aware that the MSM takes everything out of context all the time?

2019-09-26 07:48:08 UTC  

That is the number one way to do "journalism" aka sensationalism these days

2019-09-26 07:48:49 UTC  

Everyone does it, even some of the bigger names that I typically agree with do it

2019-09-26 08:12:24 UTC  

I don't consume literature compiled for public consumption, especially not on these subjects.

2019-09-26 09:39:01 UTC  

"despite the Soviet efforts during the Holodomor to ethnically cleanse and replace"

2019-09-26 09:39:03 UTC  

never happened

2019-09-26 11:05:18 UTC  
