Message from @Tiberius

Discord ID: 631268688724623370

2019-10-08 23:09:22 UTC  

A lot like conspiracy theories.
Impeach because X ---> X proven false.
Impeach because Y---> Y proven false
Impeach because Z---> Z proven false.

I want to know Pelosi's theory on building 7 and who shot Kennedy at this point....

2019-10-08 23:09:53 UTC  

Pelosi probably thinks the moon landing was filmed in a basement

2019-10-08 23:10:12 UTC  

Pelosi shot Kenndy who's ghost brought down Building 7.

2019-10-08 23:10:33 UTC  

@Tiberius I'm not a truther in the traditional sense that I understand planes brought down the buildings. My argument is that it is highly unlikely that a stream of statistically unlikely events occur in favor of that party. I am not "indicting" cheney with absolute proof because it would be impossible. This is my opinion based off of the statistical likelyhood of those events and intuition. You might not think a deep state is possible, and that's fine. People have been conspiring for ages, and labeling something as a conspiracy theory isn't going to change my opinion.

2019-10-08 23:10:53 UTC  

Like one of the first gifs of JFK is his brain getting shot out of his head

2019-10-08 23:11:40 UTC  

They made a game with realistic bullet physics. Asking people to try to reenact the whole event and get similar results.

2019-10-08 23:12:06 UTC  

In other words, yes, I believe there were islamists involved in the direct attack. Of course. Do I think the government turned a blind eye to it and/or facilitated it? Possible. Its just my fucking opinion lmfao..

2019-10-08 23:13:04 UTC  

Its alright, everyone can have wrong opinions

2019-10-08 23:13:04 UTC  

It is within the realm of possibility. Like the US knowing about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor beforehand.

2019-10-08 23:13:21 UTC  

We knew we were going to be attacked but not where

2019-10-08 23:13:28 UTC  

I'm surprised that you're so trusting of the deep state considering how obvious they've made it that they're trying to take down Trump.

2019-10-08 23:13:43 UTC  

Like they're basically announcing their existence at this point.

2019-10-08 23:13:51 UTC  

We found out it was pearl about an hour before it happened, but comms back then were ehh

2019-10-08 23:14:03 UTC  

Awfully bold of you to think that

2019-10-08 23:14:17 UTC  

Saddam killed the hundreds of thousands of people in the Iraq war in the U.S.

2019-10-08 23:14:22 UTC  

Just because I think you're wrong on 9/11

2019-10-08 23:14:47 UTC  

You think they couldn't pull that off?

2019-10-08 23:14:52 UTC  

Saddam was a monster to say the least.

2019-10-08 23:15:17 UTC  

Believe he subjected his own citizens to nerve agents?

2019-10-08 23:15:59 UTC  

Used terror to keep himself in power. Killing entire families for the crimes of their relatives.

2019-10-08 23:16:23 UTC  

I think trump wouldnt shut up about it if they did

2019-10-08 23:16:41 UTC  

He kept the ME in line largely tho

2019-10-08 23:16:46 UTC  

Till we shafted him

2019-10-08 23:17:42 UTC  

If you honestly think trump wouldnt be on twitter going "LOOOOL BUSH DID 9/11 CALLED IT" you are beyond help

2019-10-08 23:17:45 UTC  

Part of the issue is that people blame the U.S. invasion for the mass deaths under the Saddam regime, many which occured before we even invaded. It's a weird switcharoo, but somehow people are convinced that we are now responsible for all the deaths, long before we even invaded, in the entirety of the Iraq conflict, despite us invading largely after what Saddam had did

2019-10-08 23:18:04 UTC  

It's a bit strange

2019-10-08 23:18:06 UTC  

Honestly... I think they would keep such things from Trump.

2019-10-08 23:18:07 UTC  

Im pretty sure wiki leaks or snowden also would have come up with something

2019-10-08 23:18:26 UTC  

Bush didn't do 9/11

2019-10-08 23:18:37 UTC  

Bush was Cheney's bitch lol

2019-10-08 23:18:38 UTC  

Did Bush do that? *Offers Trump a coloring book* No... No he never did it... Look! It is the Hamburgler Trump! Your favorite*

2019-10-08 23:18:43 UTC  

If only we didn't invade, then all the deaths that occured before our invasion by Saddam who was largely armed by the soviets wouldn't have happened? That's just always been a weird way of thinking to me. The way the Iraq war was framed is a big part of the problem

2019-10-08 23:18:59 UTC  

Bush was the cute lapdog. Cheney was in control

2019-10-08 23:19:22 UTC  

Pretty sure Bush was just understated as fuck

2019-10-08 23:19:32 UTC  

I mean ak-47's and pkm machine guns and all that are soviet weapons, and yet somehow people think we armed iraq

2019-10-08 23:19:33 UTC  

Trump probably doesn't know

2019-10-08 23:19:45 UTC  

Trump knows

2019-10-08 23:19:59 UTC  

He just doesn't care

2019-10-08 23:20:07 UTC  

The T-72 tanks from Russia are somehow america's fault, hence we never should have invaded which would have turned back time and prevent Saddam's mass murder of the kurds somehow

2019-10-08 23:20:09 UTC  

There are so many people who would benefit from that getting out its impossible that something credible hasnt come out if its true

2019-10-08 23:20:16 UTC  

The invasion is not what killed half a million people, think about that