Message from @NotWeez

Discord ID: 629443211261247490

2019-10-03 22:21:35 UTC  

people get anxiety over moving fucking house

2019-10-03 22:21:42 UTC  

Had Cameron, instead of pulling that nonsense with "renegotiating" with the EU, instead said "right, we're ending mass immigration - EU visitors will require a job before they arrive", and "all EU derived laws will be flagged in parliament as such - any not specifically persuant to trade will be binned automatically", he'd have won

2019-10-03 22:21:56 UTC  

You mean the Remoaner Experts who anticipate Doom and Gloom?

2019-10-03 22:22:00 UTC  


2019-10-03 22:22:04 UTC  

we are haeding into a recession

2019-10-03 22:22:05 UTC  


2019-10-03 22:22:05 UTC  

Yeah, Ankha

2019-10-03 22:22:09 UTC  

that's not project fear

2019-10-03 22:22:13 UTC  

I mean so is the rest of europe

2019-10-03 22:22:13 UTC  

@Eccles agreed

2019-10-03 22:22:14 UTC  

we are already seeing shortages of medicine

2019-10-03 22:22:15 UTC  

Fuck the Experts, Get Out.

2019-10-03 22:22:16 UTC  

that's not project fear

2019-10-03 22:22:20 UTC  

Trade with Burgerland.

2019-10-03 22:22:22 UTC  

There are no shortages of medicine

2019-10-03 22:22:22 UTC  

Shortages and we're not even out? @PureEvilPie

2019-10-03 22:22:25 UTC  

We'll even take your tea.

2019-10-03 22:22:28 UTC  

Maybe we need to replace a broken system.

2019-10-03 22:22:32 UTC  

Pharmacies are stockpiling so much

2019-10-03 22:22:35 UTC  

I assume you know king

2019-10-03 22:22:36 UTC  

With something better, huh?

2019-10-03 22:22:41 UTC  

that some of them are not selling certain medicines anymore

2019-10-03 22:22:42 UTC  

But why did Honda annouce they were leaving

2019-10-03 22:22:44 UTC  

Sounds like the EU are restricting medicine supplies before we leave then.

2019-10-03 22:22:49 UTC  

That's not a brexit problem, that's a project fear and retarded remainers problem

2019-10-03 22:22:54 UTC  

That's not

2019-10-03 22:22:55 UTC  

No shit Slen.

2019-10-03 22:22:56 UTC  


2019-10-03 22:22:57 UTC  


2019-10-03 22:22:58 UTC  

They don't want you to leave.

2019-10-03 22:23:00 UTC  

how many fucking times

2019-10-03 22:23:05 UTC  
2019-10-03 22:23:07 UTC  

do I have to say that the reports on the impact of no deal brexit

2019-10-03 22:23:11 UTC  

SHOWING the shortages

2019-10-03 22:23:13 UTC  

came FROM brexiteers

2019-10-03 22:23:15 UTC  

NOT from remainers

2019-10-03 22:23:18 UTC  


2019-10-03 22:23:23 UTC  

that's the report you said you refused to fucking read

2019-10-03 22:23:24 UTC  

They are not because of brexit, they're because of incompetence

2019-10-03 22:23:28 UTC  

because it disagreed with your opinion

2019-10-03 22:23:28 UTC  

Big time.