Message from @SneekiBreeki
Discord ID: 546017144995971111
shilling ain't against the rules woo
Don't shill here
Shill art blogs here
It's relevant
ima shill my meme postsin shitposting
Blogs are fine, but don't shill reddit posts to whore upvotes
i would actually suck dick for upvotes ngl
Average Redditor right here
I'd use reddit but it's cancer
I'd like to get more than two likes on one of my things when I post it to artstation
Suck more forum dicks. That's the only way I ever got anybody to read my shit at least
>not drawing porn for maximum fanbase
>Not drawing furry porn for maximum cash AND fanbase
Oh yeh
you're still better than me
Bobs are iffy
and spaghetti arm
I draw flatter than the piece of paper the drawing lies on
I draw so flat it's 1d
basically lol
The entire piece is iffy tbh
I've seen everything Tim's made since, too
steep upward climb
Thumbnails are the worst btw
Tim's a sneek AND a strangler?
Discordia makes me mod and now there's furry stuff everywhere, coincidence?
I can show every stage of my character's design, actually. For some reason I still have all my art up from Feb. 2017 up to now.
Character design is super important. Also despite being unable to draw I can go the concepts well.