Message from @SneekiBreeki
Discord ID: 546017911014162443
I'd use reddit but it's cancer
I'd like to get more than two likes on one of my things when I post it to artstation
Suck more forum dicks. That's the only way I ever got anybody to read my shit at least
>not drawing porn for maximum fanbase
>Not drawing furry porn for maximum cash AND fanbase
Oh yeh
you're still better than me
Bobs are iffy
and spaghetti arm
I draw flatter than the piece of paper the drawing lies on
I draw so flat it's 1d
basically lol
The entire piece is iffy tbh
I've seen everything Tim's made since, too
steep upward climb
Thumbnails are the worst btw
Tim's a sneek AND a strangler?
Discordia makes me mod and now there's furry stuff everywhere, coincidence?
I can show every stage of my character's design, actually. For some reason I still have all my art up from Feb. 2017 up to now.
Character design is super important. Also despite being unable to draw I can go the concepts well.
I think I can design a character pretty alright as well, despite being shit at drawing
Why does it get more and more lewd
I fuckin' love Anthony Roberts's art