Message from @juryrigging
Discord ID: 560647887336505345
@Skip Yes... Yes I am 😄
V5, I have a copy if you wish to read it over, just dm
You're welcome
You are also welcome
Wrote me a thing, please roast thx
I don't like reading 'ex-spy' that many times
Friend told me to change that too
You could substitute other descriptive phrases in
New video "The Baizuo Barrier" premieres in about 30 minutes! Discussing the patterns baizuo follow to suppress and censor what triggers them.
what is a baizuo
It's Chinese slang for more or less what we call SJWs
IIRC a more-or-less exact translation is "White Left"
oh i remember thanks
I did not. Fair enough
Good man.
@juryrigging did that not count?
Tyranid I painted a while ago. Have more pictures of my army if anyone is interested.
Not exactly warhammer but I did paint up this dnd mini
@MS you're in violation of my completely made up "all photos must be the right way round" policy.
Well I am a boomer
So download it then rotate it
suppose I'll let you off this time.
Boomer defense works every time
I activate my Trap Card "Boomer"
MS plays a dangerous game.
4-cheese, spinach, stuffed crust pizza I made
is this facebook now? 😛