Message from @watermel0ns
Discord ID: 547869783693983745
Voting to ban arhippa the pedo
negrophile <:TriHard:494994515665354772> or negrophobe <:cmonBrug:494982864916709386>
Catass is awesome
Petition to never give ctn drama queen role when it turns into a girl (7 no 8 yes don't give role)
I'm already a girl
your not a girl
u legit got a sickness in your head to think your a girl
If I get 100 reactions I'll purge the server
7 for stay 8 for leave
fuck you sep
ok buddy
manta you’re gonna be so happy w the news
fuck my mom
I suxk mom?
Ban me again
ban avantay
Make alpaca an owner tomato=yes 8=no
Hold my drink bitch
Add gambling channel
ban the downy
Ban @Mumzel
vote to ban manta
Vote to remove all of sep's roles
Vote to stop blaming me for every raid
Put meg in <#540859998297784320> for a week?
Who's the worst Sep (7) Sticcboi (8) Bulleck (9)
Send nudes