Message from @RCO Nick-TX
Discord ID: 325077028665819138
Glad to know so many girls are throwing roman salutes that we can be picky fuckers lol
But, aside from the arm angle, I'd guess 8/10 or more. The arm angle can be fixed easily.
I can confirm, there are those who can be picky, and then there's Ronny.
@TXStormer just want to point out that the group on that Wikipedia article is NOT our group and their leader is a convicted child molester so if anyone claims that we are the same group make for to tell them otherwise
Did i miss something?
National Vanguard =/= Vanguard America
It's a bit up in the chat from this afternoon
Scroll up to the guy having an argument on Faceberg. The guy he was arguing with posted a Wikipedia article of National Vanguard thinking it was us
I just got on and was seeing what all I've​ missed
National Vanguard sure fell off
@Fox Tx @Alex - LA @White Millennial TX @Billy Merse @Ductapegang @Prophetmuhammad TX @AugustoPinochet(Paul)TX @Chris7577TX @NDO Eric-TX @kolovrat @Lovagrend Thomas wanted to make sure y'all knew to have your equipment ready to go and on site just in case.
@RCO Nick-TX Of Course!
I know. He wanted to put a reminder out
I will have work sadly
Everyone should carry a camelback and all necessary supplies in a pack on their person. Coolers on wheels and cases of water turned out to be a pain in the ass. You need to be able to hump your own gear in and out.
Cracking open a Red one with the boys
You commie badtard
No wait, i like badtard
I bought two stainless steel bottles 750ml that I will carry in my pack. Double as weapons if need be. Small bats basically.
That's a pretty good idea.
camp section at academy
I don't think I'm going bring a pistol. I want to put their head in a locker and bringing a pistol means I wont be able to be violent.
Concealed carry?
@RCO Nick-TX I'm ready lol
@Chris7577TX is going to be the official armorer of VA.
@everyone please be careful when accepting offerings from people during rallies. Antifa is going after our pets now
That's the shittiest thing I've ever read
Aren't these faggots supposed to be about animal rights?
They're shitty people what do you expect?
I think it's fake