Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 617488922150436898

2019-08-31 21:16:04 UTC  

the taliban were based

2019-08-31 21:16:23 UTC  

"I did not want to destroy the Bamiyan Buddha. In fact, some foreigners came to me and said they would like to conduct the repair work of the Bamiyan Buddha that had been slightly damaged due to rains. This shocked me. I thought, these callous people have no regard for thousands of living human beings—the Afghans who are dying of hunger, but they are so concerned about non-living objects like the Buddha. This was extremely deplorable. That is why I ordered its destruction. Had they come for humanitarian work, I would have never ordered the Buddha's destruction.[45]"

2019-08-31 21:16:26 UTC  

100% justified

2019-08-31 21:57:36 UTC  

I agree

2019-08-31 22:33:54 UTC  

no... they where a certain group that restores stuff and taliban destroyed many other religion holy sites to steal artifacts and sell them on the black markets and also destroyed them because they where not muslim holy sites

2019-08-31 22:34:44 UTC  


2019-08-31 22:34:56 UTC  

so u are full of shit

2019-08-31 22:35:02 UTC  

taliban had reason to destroy idolatrous monuments

2019-08-31 22:35:03 UTC  

and a hypocrite

2019-08-31 22:35:17 UTC  

westerners don't care about starving children

2019-08-31 22:35:25 UTC  

only their pretty statues and sculptures

2019-08-31 22:36:00 UTC  

we send food to middle east and the terrorist take it and say the people even touch it they die

2019-08-31 22:37:08 UTC

2019-08-31 22:38:15 UTC

2019-08-31 22:38:47 UTC

2019-08-31 22:38:50 UTC  

dont see afghanistan on that chart

2019-08-31 22:39:39 UTC  

iraq gets more cuck

2019-08-31 22:40:39 UTC  

100 billion

2019-08-31 22:41:08 UTC  

The international community, led by the United States, has appropriated more than $100 billion in aid in the last decade to reconstruct Afghanistan and rebuild its unbalanced economy. While there have been some improvements in GDP growth, life expectancy, poverty reduction, child and maternal health, education, and infrastructure, these improvements are relatively modest in relation to the amount of dollars poured into the country as aid. Moreover, this rate of improvement is too slow for Afghanistan to catch up with the rest of the developing world.

Fifteen years have passed and things don’t seem to have improved much. Afghanistan still ranks third in the world in corruption according to Transparency International, which contributes to its extreme poverty. Although education is more widely available, the quality does not meet world standards. The teaching profession is not attractive because of the low pay. Despite improvements in the health sector, health indicators still remain below the average for low income countries. Agriculture—the second largest contributor to GDP growth after services—declined by a projected 2 percent in 2015. Conflicts and a lack of economic opportunities have caused people to flee the country, leading to both capital flight and brain drain. As China, India, and other developing countries are advancing at a rapid rate, Afghanistan, despite the world’s military and financial investment, is being left behind.

Perhaps, for Afghanistan, as a post conflict country, the aid is “too little too soon.” With the government institutions fragile and incapable of handling foreign aid, and with the weak technical capacity, the country is not as yet ready to absorb and spend aid money wisely.

2019-08-31 22:41:38 UTC  

why does the us military ignore child predation in afghanistan

2019-08-31 22:44:04 UTC  

why do people who expose US war crimes in iraq get arrested

2019-08-31 22:46:48 UTC  

because your people shoot our soldiers in the back of the head when we buy a kid a coke

2019-08-31 22:48:39 UTC  

gotta love those americans giving iraqis the freedom to get shot and burn to death in your car

2019-08-31 22:51:54 UTC  

yes why would people be angry over an occupying force that uses its economy to fuel the pharmaceutical industry

2019-08-31 22:54:48 UTC  

thats more then likely hiLIARy killing them she likes to have people killed

2019-09-01 02:03:46 UTC  

made the world safe for opium producers

2019-09-01 03:02:09 UTC  

the brainless man

2019-09-01 06:04:10 UTC  


2019-09-01 10:31:33 UTC  

America did nothing wrong 😢 😢

2019-09-01 10:38:58 UTC  

@tim true

2019-09-01 10:48:53 UTC  

thought marines were supposed to be cool

2019-09-01 10:51:59 UTC  

Till the reds...

2019-09-01 10:53:55 UTC  

You ain't done nothing if you ain't been called a red

2019-09-01 10:56:10 UTC  

just got my soros paycheck in the mail