Message from @petit bourgeois
Discord ID: 311661425938399253
are you monarchist btw
I am yes
Isn't there a main lefty/pol/ server? I got kicked out after 2 months after they figured out my avatar
@iron it got deleted i think
**Monarchy > Democracy**
But I'm not going to immediately devalue your opinion
Welcome to /leftypol/ a low-moderation channel. Feel yourself free here.
1) The law of unity and the fight between contradictions
hello friends
a socialist economy provides elimination of greed
is this the commie discord?
2) The law of quantity turning into quality
But does socialism not attract greed?
national socialism is the best socialiasm
Venezuela an example
it gives the product to the worker and insentive to work
Same as the USSR
why this right winter is not in gulag yet
3) The law of negation of the negation
@Ulstèr-Scotch Here were 3 laws of dialectics
I believe the market and the worker both deserve to be free
as do we
Welcome to /leftypol/ a low-moderation channel. Feel yourself free here.
@Garlic the Soviet Its a free channel.
workers deserve to earn the product of their labour and equally distribute it to the masses
From an economic stand point, people should be able to persue their business goals
no freedom withoug gulags
in socialism people can still get far through labour if they are hardworking
karl zedong stalin said this 100 years ago
Why should the state force the worker to distribute their produce?
@Garlic the Soviet That is true. You can always establish gulag in the theory section.
Is that not violating the freedom of the worker?
because if you horde the produce then you're just going to have excess
which why would you want that
Excess you can sell
Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?