Message from @checkers
Discord ID: 311663982442184705
wages are elimated basically
because the workers own means
the produce is given to the market or the state in which it goes through economic syndicates
just go to <#308995540782284817>
Ah, so you are a syndicalist
well im marxist leninist
i think the state should have distirubtion of the goods
ration them and shit
Leftism is 100% identity politics. If you disagree you're a wicked white male.
But would that not cause mass starvation in cases of greed in government?
socialism is a very complex idealogy
Identity politics is not complex
the state is a product of the dictatorship of the proliteriat
basically the state is the worker and works for the benefit of the worker
Of course it's complex. So complex in fact, you get the Economic Calculation Problem. 👌😂
Socialism is identity politics, the praxis of socialism is screaming FUCK HETEROSEXUAL CIS WHITE MALES while chimping out
@Ulstèr-Scotch Did you read the laws? Nature of Logic? Capital?
So, I'd like to ask, in all attempts of a socialist state, why have they always failed?
@.... thats in capitalism not socialism
Sorry firefly, I'm talking to this man first
they have failed based on revisionist policies
Capitalism is freedom, socialism is just a fancy word for antiwhite racism
Soviet union, China, Vietnam
anti-marxist redirections
Infact, China has gotten better because of State Capitalism
soviet union had khruschev and gorbacheav
Also Stalin
china is an ecological nightmrae
but capitalism has its booms and busts
I agree, China needs to put regulation on its enviromental pollution
@petit bourgeois
Capitalism decentralizes all economic calculations to the most local and individualized level. This is essentially what the price system was for to begin with, where resource allocation is indirectly controlled through private ownership and trade, which leads to what is known as spontaneous order. Another term for this is Adam Smith's Invisible Hand.
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