Message from @petit bourgeois
Discord ID: 311669428607647744
i actually really liked franz joseph
its gonna be positively dialectic in here amirite, untermensch?
@checkers , you joined not to debate but to brand us as SJW when none of us is SJW.
I rather admire King George V
SJWs are just insecure about their rape fantasies, which is only tangentally related to communism, honestly.
Yes, the idea of 'queer' has come to mean marxist, but, we dont let them know that amirite?
Fuckin faggots.
what are you talking about lol
This is everything you need to know about leftism. PS. watch this picture while working out for extra gains
oh man, that thing
ALL CIS WHITE MALES ARE TRANSPHOBIC AND RACIST SEXIST --leader of left-wing activism, two hundred million followers freak
If I were a monarch, I'd listen to everyone, rich and poor
@checkers , I can see how you get banned. SJW crap is not tolerated in many chats.
Ignore reactionaries.
Ignore them always
Pedro II of Brazil is another person I'd admire
he was pretty cool
@OF-8 It is a channel for free discussions, theory learning and international integration. Also raiding /pol and other forums
@Tenta I don't care, I have VPNs. Every ban is an accomplishment, a point of pride
yall niggas doin some theory learnin
what a martyr
dope what theory?
are we learning the theories of carl jung?
@checkers , you behave like any pseudo leftist social justice warrior.
maaaahybe a little bit of NEETshee
nazis stole jungs work and protected jews you know
nazis were just doing their job m8
@Tenta I don't espouse any beliefs, I just hold a microscope to yours
it's fine
he worked with freud too, which i think was jewish
most of his work was inspired by him
its the bolsheviks, those kebabs must be removal'd
Any time i see a bolshevik, hand to god, i spit on her.
no man is a bolshevik and only women can be so foul