Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 316784963687284737

2017-05-24 03:46:30 UTC  

Dear Trotskyists

2017-05-24 03:46:32 UTC  


2017-05-24 03:46:56 UTC  

By the way

2017-05-24 03:47:28 UTC  

The molotov-ribbentrop pact was FORCED on Stalin because the fucking Allies wanted to be friendly to Nazi Germany.

2017-05-24 03:47:36 UTC  

because the cryptojew stalin couldnt wait to murder ethnic russians

2017-05-24 03:47:41 UTC  


2017-05-24 03:47:48 UTC  

He had literally no other choice because the wonderful UK and France refused his offer of an anti-fascist pact.

2017-05-24 03:48:00 UTC  
2017-05-24 03:48:33 UTC  

The clauses of the Nazi-Soviet Pact provided a written guarantee of non-belligerence by each party towards the other, and a declared commitment that neither government would ally itself to, or aid, an enemy of the other party. In addition to stipulations of non-aggression, the treaty included a secret protocol that divided territories of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, and Romania, into German and Soviet "spheres of influence", anticipating "territorial and political rearrangements" of these countries. Thereafter, Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939. Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin ordered the Soviet invasion of Poland on 17 September; one day after a Soviet-Japanese ceasefire at the Khalkhin Gol came into effect.[6] In November, parts of the Karelia and Salla regions in Finland were annexed by the Soviet Union after the Winter War. This was followed by Soviet annexations of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and parts of Romania (Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina, and the Hertza region). Advertised concern about ethnic Ukrainians and Belarusians had been proffered as justification for the Soviet invasion of Poland. Stalin's invasion of Bukovina in 1940 violated the pact, as it went beyond the Soviet sphere of influence agreed with the Axis.[7]

2017-05-24 03:48:43 UTC  


2017-05-24 03:48:57 UTC  

Brackman, Roman The Secret File of Joseph Stalin: A Hidden Life (2001) p. 341

2017-05-24 03:49:25 UTC  

The Soviets -- "Stalin", to use a crude synecdoche (= "a part that stands for the whole") -- did not do this out of any love for fascist Poland. The Soviets wanted a Polish government -- ANY Polish government -- as a buffer between the USSR and the Nazi armies.

The utter betrayal of the fascist Polish Government of its own people frustrated this plan.

As far as the rest of the world was concerned, the Polish government had two alternatives in the event its army was smashed by an attacking army.

1. It could stay inside the country, perhaps moving its capital away from the invading army. From there it could have sued for peace, or surrendered.

2. The Polish government could have fled to an allied country that was at war with Germany: either France or England.

The governments of all other countries defeated by Germany did one or both of these things. The Polish government -- racist, anticommunist, hyper-nationalist, -- in short fascist, as bad as they get -- didn't do either. Rather than fight the Polish government fled into neighboring Rumania.

Rumania was neutral in the war. By crossing into neutral Rumania the Polish government became prisoners. The legal word is "interned". They could not function as a government from Rumania, or pass through Rumania to a country at war with Germany like France, because to permit them to do that would be a violation of Rumania’s neutrality, a hostile act against Germany.

2017-05-24 03:49:49 UTC  

Collective realisation is a prerequisite of individual realisation.

2017-05-24 03:49:57 UTC  


2017-05-24 03:50:02 UTC  


2017-05-24 03:50:02 UTC  

It isn't.

2017-05-24 03:50:05 UTC  

It is.

2017-05-24 03:50:06 UTC  

It is

2017-05-24 03:50:15 UTC  

We have yet another deadlock.

2017-05-24 03:50:20 UTC  

We do.

2017-05-24 03:50:36 UTC  

im glad we find these

2017-05-24 03:50:41 UTC  

In order for every human to be able to archieve this individual realization, the whole must be able too: it has to be universal

2017-05-24 03:51:02 UTC  

that sounds like a good way to put a very big cart in front of a very small horse

2017-05-24 03:51:05 UTC  

Not just parts of it, or minorities

2017-05-24 03:51:14 UTC  

Again, Stalin only had the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact because the Allies refused an offer of an Anti-Fascist Pact.

2017-05-24 03:51:29 UTC  

Do you support his gulags and his executions of political opponents?

2017-05-24 03:51:33 UTC  

Unless you eliminate the threat of exploitation, you are never truly free.

2017-05-24 03:51:40 UTC  

And again, the Polish jews certainly werent sad that they werent being sent to concentration camps and were protected by the Soviet Union.

2017-05-24 03:51:42 UTC  

And even then, the polish government left poland and didn't follow the pact

2017-05-24 03:51:43 UTC  

But of course Russia still accepts one North Korean labor camp

2017-05-24 03:51:47 UTC  

in siberia

2017-05-24 03:51:51 UTC  

You will never eliminate exploitation.

2017-05-24 03:51:59 UTC  

Mother exploits child

2017-05-24 03:52:16 UTC  

child exploits mother

2017-05-24 03:52:30 UTC  

exploitation is how we percieve value on a neurological level

2017-05-24 03:52:34 UTC  

Most people survived the gulags and in proportion to the population of the country, the incarceration was small.

2017-05-24 03:52:48 UTC  

You've just realized how retarded "mother exploits child" sounds and had to add something to make it less retarded, didn't you?

2017-05-24 03:52:56 UTC  

Think before you post, it isn't that hard

2017-05-24 03:53:11 UTC  

>all relations are exploitative
Did you just rewrite the dictionary to suit your narrative?

2017-05-24 03:53:29 UTC  

Do you support his gulags and his executions of political opponents?