Message from @Ashley ⚧

Discord ID: 318508641118453760

2017-05-28 18:51:10 UTC  

Sponsored content.

2017-05-28 18:51:11 UTC  

Nazbol or suicide

2017-05-28 18:51:28 UTC  

Hitler should have been more leftist to empower the global jewish bourgeoisie

2017-05-28 18:51:30 UTC  

That's the final red pill btw.

2017-05-28 18:51:41 UTC  

It was all an ad. You grew up in a psyop

2017-05-28 18:51:47 UTC  

yep ww2 was never actual war

2017-05-28 18:52:00 UTC  

it was all corporate (((them))) working behind the scenes

2017-05-28 18:52:03 UTC  

That's why the wachowskis cut their dicks off desu senpai

2017-05-28 18:52:26 UTC  

"Sponsored content"

2017-05-28 20:49:16 UTC  
2017-05-28 21:08:14 UTC  

Is somebody gonna give @OF-8 the banhammer or nah

2017-05-28 21:15:13 UTC  

@WorstHistoryMemes even my grandma deserves more attention than him.

2017-05-28 21:51:05 UTC  

@WorstHistoryMemes why would I get the banhammer?

2017-05-28 21:51:11 UTC  

I don't get t.

2017-05-28 21:52:33 UTC  

It sure seems that a lot of folks who don't say much say only that.

2017-05-28 21:52:45 UTC  

As though it's a fear reaction.

2017-05-28 21:53:03 UTC  

Are you....Q-phobic?

2017-05-28 21:58:06 UTC

2017-05-28 21:58:13 UTC  

Lol you guys love the "everyone" tag

2017-05-28 21:58:25 UTC  

Nah it was a raid.

2017-05-28 21:59:37 UTC  

Ah fair enough

2017-05-28 21:59:56 UTC  

Do you guys not have a vetting channel

2017-05-28 22:00:01 UTC  

@Ashley ⚧ lmao i heard you got buttblasted when democraticsocialist01 kicked you from his hangout for being an annoying twat

2017-05-28 22:00:10 UTC  

and you banned everyone who disagree with you from your discord

2017-05-28 22:00:21 UTC  

That's not what happened at all but k lol

2017-05-28 22:00:31 UTC  

idk man i only hear what i hear

2017-05-28 22:00:37 UTC  

i dont participate

2017-05-28 22:00:41 UTC  

I'll tell ya what happened if you want.

2017-05-28 22:00:49 UTC  

I haven't seen any vetting here at all.

2017-05-28 22:00:51 UTC  

sure its not like i do anything other than read anyways

2017-05-28 22:00:58 UTC  

I usually get kicked out of servers w vetting.

2017-05-28 22:03:26 UTC  

@Ashley ⚧ so what happened

2017-05-28 22:04:12 UTC  

DemSoc01 joined our twitter group chat over a month ago and started spouting weird shit, saying that the decline in elderly people in the UK is good and "darwinism at its finest" cause a lot of older people vote Tory. Xexizy, Soc or Bar, Fuckmuir, Pierre and myself among others called him out. He got butthurt and left and blocked us all on twitter. Skip forward a few weeks. DemSoc01 joins my Discord and starts spreading drama repeating the same shit he said in the twitter chat. Everyone calls him out. He leaves in a huff. He goes on to join some server which I was a member of, kicks me against the wishes of the admins of that group because he was still butthurt. Skip forward 2 weeks. A person in my Discord starts bullying a trans comrade. I ban them for it. That person gets butthurt and makes a video about it. DemSoc01 promptly capitalises on the drama to slander me and claim that I was banning everyone who disagrees with me. Skip forward 1 day. Here you are asking me what happened.

2017-05-28 22:05:33 UTC  


2017-05-28 22:07:14 UTC  

Traps starting trouble. Classic cointelpro.

2017-05-28 23:33:45 UTC  

@Ashley ⚧ Instantly banned from the ""socialist"" server

2017-05-28 23:34:05 UTC  


2017-05-29 00:18:54 UTC  


2017-05-29 01:21:33 UTC  


2017-05-29 01:42:58 UTC  


2017-05-29 01:42:59 UTC  
