Message from @AaronMk

Discord ID: 334552983855562754

2017-07-12 03:51:24 UTC  

That's exactly right. It gives people a solid foundation that does not depend on consumer life. People are like ghosts nowadays and they need to replant their spiritual roots so that they can navigate the world again with a keen eye.

2017-07-12 03:53:46 UTC  

And like coming back to your using Islam initially, something on that scale can bring people of many nations together; and if it's something that advocates everyone taking up the same language like Latin or Arabic to wholly understand or convey the faith than it can break down national borders. Malcolm X's hate towards white people was dissolved when he first went on Hajj and met plenty of white Muslims that he learned were cool dudes, so they went to see the pyramids and shit together on their pilgrimage. And when he came home he was of a new mind.

2017-07-12 03:55:18 UTC  

Like-wise in Albania I think it is, there's strong inter-faith relations between the Christians and Muslims. There's a festival tradition there where a cross is thrown into a river and people are challenged to dive and retrieve it, and Muslims even join in on the fun. This would be useful to look into so the lines between religions can be blurred and it all doesn't fall apart on an inter-faith crusade.

2017-07-12 04:02:15 UTC  

Religion is an extension of community. But like race, I don't think this is necessary something that has to be blurred. Conflict is not always a good thing. The most violent religions never last very long. Like Roman Paganism or Fascist Mythology. The longest lasting religions need to add stability to communities, especially externally when dealing with others, or else it will cease to exist. All major religions which are 1000 years or more old, have proven some degree of merit in humanity existence.

2017-07-12 04:03:33 UTC  

And exploitation is a secular phenomenon of class, not based in religion.

2017-07-12 04:04:26 UTC  

Indeed, though use of religion - like race - can support nationalist tendencies. So moving ahead it would need to be considered how it can transcend borders and how the "our race/nationality are god's people!" preachers can be cut off and outplayed so religious nationalism can be dissolved.

2017-07-12 04:05:13 UTC  

Which I guess comes back around to how the bourgiese can be removed from power and an international proletarian "state" can assume the helm.

2017-07-12 04:06:05 UTC  

Nationalist cults are sects, they can never dominate the mainstream. And again, they are too inward looking and outwardly aggressive. Cults of personality and religion are not stable.

2017-07-12 04:06:30 UTC  

So in the end, basically wait for the cult leader to die before moving ahead?

2017-07-12 04:07:02 UTC  

That's the worst case scenario. The early church just did that. They were pacifists and just waited for Rome to kill itself.

2017-07-12 04:07:05 UTC  

What'd I miss?

2017-07-12 04:07:39 UTC  

@Deleted User tfw the turning the other cheek is too strong

2017-07-12 04:10:46 UTC  

Sometimes doing nothing is the best cause of action. But in regards to religious people, they can afford to wait, because they have higher concerns than simple material gains in the short term.

2017-07-12 04:11:38 UTC  

The economic hamster wheel can sometimes go off the cliff.

2017-07-12 04:22:45 UTC  

The question in comparative religion is an interesting one though. Certainly, you should go with whatever religion you feel draws you the closet. But for a few people like myself, I am drawn to difference ones at the same time, and this feels like a problem. I don't know who I am. This may be a more common symptom in our time than I realise, though.

2017-07-12 04:24:09 UTC  

Being 'born into a religion' is not a curse, it is not an indoctrination, it is a practical favour. My parents were not very religious.

2017-07-12 04:25:03 UTC  

Buddhism is nice because it's applicable to about anything. It's very syncretic.

2017-07-12 04:25:43 UTC  

God or the concept of a God isn't important, but it isn't totally out of the question. It's adopted into itself and been adopted into plenty of religions in the far-east.

2017-07-12 04:31:29 UTC  

The Eastern religions are truly unlike Abrahamic ones. It is possible to be Buddhist plus anything else. Like Tengriism. You can be many things. But there is always the question of, or at least that is demanded by some, that there is one true religion and you have to decide which one it is. This tension is the most unsettling part of religious seeking.

2017-07-12 04:33:06 UTC  

I don't know about elsewhere, but around here the issue is more like going from church to church to find the one most comfortable or appealing to you as a person. I don't know what sort of options are avaible elsewhere. Though, at the same time around here the choice all boils down to varying degress of Christianity and it's tedious or difficult to duck into a congregation of another faith, I think there's one Buddhist monestary around here but I've never found it.

2017-07-12 04:34:07 UTC  

Then there's the people who drank the dogma really deep so might feel averse to someone claiming to being a Buddhist-Tengriist-Christian in their midst. It'd feel like some adhoc paganism to them and they'll be compelled to force Jesus on you.

2017-07-12 04:34:21 UTC  

I have to duck out a for a little bit. I will be back in 30 minutes or so if you still want to chat. This is very interesting discussion.

2017-07-12 04:34:53 UTC  

I literally got a pamphlet while in town one day by some random missionary that was a short comic about how we're all sinful and we need to read the Bible and live by it word-for-word and pray to Jesus so he can help absolve us of our sins when we die.

2017-07-12 04:35:15 UTC  

I'll probably go and play vidya games so I may be busy doing other shit by the time you do come back.

2017-07-12 04:36:52 UTC  

Thanks for the chat, then. I know what you mean about church shopping. But more on that next time. I hope you level up or kill the boss or whatever. Have fun.

2017-07-12 04:37:08 UTC  

Thank you too, and you're welcome.

2017-07-12 05:20:24 UTC  

Hey Chopin how have you been?

2017-07-12 05:21:02 UTC  

Oh, not too bad. Needed a break from the internet for a while. But I am back.

2017-07-12 05:21:23 UTC  

Good to hear, we all need a little break every now and then

2017-07-12 05:21:43 UTC  

How are things with yourself?

2017-07-12 05:22:41 UTC  

Very good. I went to Church for the first time in years, began praying the rosary every day, and am going to begin the process of becoming a catholic sometime this week.

2017-07-12 05:23:41 UTC  

Oh wow. I am so happy for you. This is an amazing thing.

2017-07-12 05:25:35 UTC  

This is a very long watching. But I have been going through it and taking notes. It has been a good refresher for me if you are interesting. I know you are very busy.

2017-07-12 05:27:13 UTC  

I'll probably take a look at it tomorrow. Thanks for sharing

2017-07-12 05:28:11 UTC  

I'm going to head out now, it was good talking to you though. Take care.

2017-07-12 05:28:12 UTC  

You seem to be doing well, at any rate. I am happy for you.

2017-07-12 05:28:31 UTC  


2017-07-12 05:28:35 UTC  


2017-07-12 05:31:49 UTC  

Misereátur tui omnípotens Deus, et, dimíssis peccátis tuis, perdúcat te ad vitam ætérnam.

2017-07-12 05:32:47 UTC  

Lord Jesus Christ, son of God. Have mercy on me, a sinner.

2017-07-12 05:33:06 UTC  

**May Almighty God have mercy upon you, and your sins having been forgiven, may He bring you to eternal life.**