Message from @Rayaan
Discord ID: 335407976938471424
This guy on this right-wing page
Tried to show me a fake article
That said 70% of Pakistan were all cousin-fuckers
He also compared smoking weed to pedophilia
Did you scream fake news?
I just wanted to see what else he had to say
Anything good?
It's a page called "Uncensored Politics", but it's all a bunch of angry right-wing d00ds silencing anybody that doesn't agree with them
Freeze peach
I just kept saying that, we fuck lots of white girls in Canada
And then he tried to defend the Caucasian p00sy, by calling me a cousin-fucker
Ha. They sounds like they got triggered
I found a Nazi group on here
That kicked people out for saying "Nazi"
and there was a verification process
To get in
I went in the education channel
And there was a video titled
"Hitler's struggle for peace"
My state says we still don't have enough evidence to make marijuana legal
Wait until 2025 and then they might debate it
Oh well, we can count on Scott Walker doing what's right
Watch "5' nizza - CCCP Anthem" on YouTube no nazis thx
Weed isn't legal in Canada yet, but the police literally do NOTHING if we get caught
If it's under an ounce, they let u go
They're like that in my college town
Not sure about my hometown
Lolololol, in some U.S states
4 grams can get u
But my hometown is also a college town
1 year
Smoking cannabis is giving you brain damage