Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 344225390182662155
prove me wrong
I'm a Syndicalist
I strongly resent Lenin for regularly attacking trade unions and then obliberating them
Hang all Bolshies
Sucks to suck
Center SR-Syndie Russia N O W
Who got their revolution tho?
>being proud of murdering people who actually cared for the working class
Typical m-l
Well yea
I'm writing a long rant on this and imms post it on leftypol
You just watch
What a threat
Wow, a Slovene. Noice.
Polack here.
Left unity mayters
>implying I'm left
@National Trotskyist zdravo prijatelj
I'm actually a meme
I'm a member of the SLS party
Fruitlessly trying to bring it back to it's distributivist roots
@SloveneAnon like, G.K. Chesterton?
@Deleted User gay lol
I know who you is
My mama Jeff
Who let this kid in?
They are gay
I'm willing to work with them in uniting the left if they work with me
image the right saying that about neo nazis
You don't need scum like antifa