Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 344224486557483009
here's an invite
now the conversation
is onto technocracy
vs capitalism
Lets talk about hapas
Who is your favourite mestizo
Mine are Elliot Rodger and Van Darkholme
that discord moves way too fast
my gif didn't even load up why even live
it does move fast
theres a ton of people on it
the slower discussions happen on voice chat
Might use this as an avatar
I love Lenin so much
We get it you have brain damage
prove me wrong
I'm a Syndicalist
I strongly resent Lenin for regularly attacking trade unions and then obliberating them
Hang all Bolshies
Sucks to suck
Center SR-Syndie Russia N O W
Who got their revolution tho?
>being proud of murdering people who actually cared for the working class
Typical m-l
Well yea
I'm writing a long rant on this and imms post it on leftypol
You just watch
What a threat