Message from @SloveneAnon
Discord ID: 344862247450837022
we just have to believe
fully automated gay space communism is the only way
>when your centrally planned government gives you oestrogen pills instead of your thyroid tablets by accident so you end up becoming a woman
>when your centrally planned government accidently allocates your family 10 tones of cheese instead of bread
>Corporations are gooood, cried the Libertarian while getting poisoned by weed killers
''The approach, in which Monsanto prevented key independent testing of its product, went unchallenged by the Environmental Protection Agency and nearly every state regulator''
The state let it happen
Yes because they adooted a free-market laiisez faire attitude
t. Literal porky
If the state has the power to stop it but they don't, who's fault is it?
Lobby groups
What do you want, another law on top of the other law?
No, a death sentence for corruption & lobbying
Ideally firing squad though
''In the end, the EPA approved the product without the added testing in September. It said it made its decision after reviewing company-supplied data, including some measuring volatility. ''
Yeah they had no other data available since Monsanto literally forbade them from measuring volatility
They could have prevented them from using it
Sounds like government fucked up just as bad
Not to mention the EPA is immensely corrupt
Fucked because of interference from companies yes
Incorruptible Republic of Virtue N O W
so all we need is a not corrupt government
1793 must commence again
Why hasn't that been tried before?
Fuck commies and fashygoys
monarchism NOW
It has, the eternal anglo & the international Jewry shut it down though
Robespierre did nothing wrong
>eternal anglo
>not the eternal Saudi
That's a more recent phenomena
Your knowledge dissapoints me
>anglos having power in modern times
Come on
Us Irish? nah
>le eternal Anglo meme *sniff*
>as he realises what language he's speaking