Message from @Chalin
Discord ID: 356317102665236481
So I don't really have a proper position
Don't take /pol/ serious. It's an echo chamber. Read about different ideas.
I'm aware
>Tfw you attempt to get into IronMarch and they basically pelt you with eggs and shitty memes
Do you know what IronMarch is nooby?
>I state that the Kaiserreich, not the 3rd Reich, was the height of German civilization
>half of the /pol/ Discord calls me a cuck or shill
I find myself sympathizing with several opposing stances
That's generally what happens before you collaspe into a singularity.
Also, I'm not entirely sure about how the Reich and Kasierreich compare.
I know there was a moral warmth within the Reich, but it could have been very the same in the Kasierreich. But the entire point of fascism, the uniting of the people into one collective, was achieved
and the people were mostly healthy before the war begun.
National Socialism does seem like an ideal economy for war
Nah, nah. That was Hitler's policy for the war.
A lot of National Socialism came directly from Adolf.
The inherent plan within NS doctrine is not jumping to war.
It pulled Germany out of economy crisis through effective authoritarianism, and the economic system seems well suited for focusing on war
Simply because the state is given so much control
Of course.
Everyone (who isn't an undesirable, woman, elderly, or child) is, in theory, a productive member of the workforce
That's one thing that really bothers me, many NatSocs and Fascists are basically full out patriachial goyim
Stalin had a better war economy.
Just cause you mentioned women. I've been told that women and men are DIFFERENT SPECIES
Ye, I hear that, it's ironic at best
They take a large step beyond acknowledging gender differences
That sounds more metaphorical, the way they say it
(Note: I'm Oktavia)
You have to remember that WW2 emerged out of the brutality of WW1 of the rise of Communism. All they care about is military.
I've seen it said in a more litteral sense
What was Stalin's wartime economy?
/pol/ doesn't discuss that much
It was likely War Communism
it was basically central planning on steriods.
No strikes, unions were directly state controlled, every able person (if not in the military) had to servee the war in some way.
Generally speaking this was working in a factory.
I know it was practiced during the Russian Revolutio.