Message from @Sn0w ❄
Discord ID: 367926036115095563
My friends think I'm a bit obsessed
But I haven't told them about Suheil
@chill with that shit don't nazbols hate Israel
Ya I hate the Israeli government
I don't hate Israel tho
The people are alright
israelis are so entrenched where they live now
tf you gonna do
also palestine's just going to be another reactionary islamist state
At least israel's more socially liberal
hello autism brothers
The thing is, it's not really a choice
But humans aren't born gay either
agree not a choice
to explore might be a choice
But a lot of it tends to stem from a string of actions or situations that lead them there, usually at a young age
for example ?
And these actions/situations tend to not be choices
Like being molested, raised to be too feminine, bad early experiences with women, misguidance, and so on
idk if that leads to our sexuality rather how we feel about our self and sex but maybe not gay
I'm thinking straight or gay or what ever is something we are born with and influenced by circumstance
It's a nurture, not nature. Males are attracted to women with bigger hips/bigger tits because of those are signs that she can bear and take care of a child. But preferences are very fluid and plastic. Changing them is not as hard as people think
And sexuality is a spectrum
Why not both
Nature and nurture
Not "you're either A or B"
Are interdependent
On providing society its own socioeconomic preferences