Message from @MRLOcelot23
Discord ID: 368491152955146241
@Firefly so insaid of fixing it we get rid of it?
@MRLOcelot23 fixing what? Democracy does not work even on paper. It is a false idea.
@MRLOcelot23 >When you cheat bernie out of his campaign and you try the same method with trump but instead it completely backfires and reveals that you cheated in the elections multiple times]
@Firefly That's why a jew like you should advocate for it.
i support Berine i hate the corrpote dems
@Firefly you have shown me how its falwed in the us not how it dosnt work
That's implying that he wasn't one.
@MRLOcelot23 While he wasn't the one doing the cheating in the elections, he sure as shit is corrupt merely by associating himself with the democrats and running for them.
That is not to say that the GOP is not corrupt, but the democrats show it the most.
he ran with them cause they were his best chances of winning
Well no shit.
Why do you think that trump chose the GOP?
cause hes a republian
he belives in ubpublian policy
is corrupt
@MRLOcelot23 it doesn't work because it's a limitation. It does not allow for an authoritharian organization which is much better. There must be a complex of institutions. Authoritarian institutions must work alongside with democratic. Otherwise democracy leads to fascism, neoliberalism, chruschevism.
@MRLOcelot23 And what is ubpublian policy?
@Firefly your an idiot but lets keep debating
@MRLOcelot23 why?
@MRLOcelot23 And what is reubplicain theory?
@ failing to spell cause your a retard
@Firefly its ment to be a limitation to stop things like facism
@MRLOcelot23 but fascist were elected.
@MRLOcelot23 Are you fucking retarded?
It was meant to be put in place so that kings and leaders could not gain too much power
@Firefly they were due to people strrugling
Fascism was not a thing yet.
@Deleted User thats what i ment i miswordd XD
@MRLOcelot23 people always struggle.
@MRLOcelot23 I assume that you are either 10, or english is your second language.
@Firefly yes but there are cases where is very bad due to a number of reasons
@Deleted User i am nether i am just stupid
@MRLOcelot23 what is bad? The democratic system bringing fascism is bad?
@Firefly He obviously does not know what he is talking about.
@Firefly i ment the sitaution people were in were bad like the grea depperation
@MRLOcelot23 What?